Ahead of the meeting of the Brno City Council, a group of people demonstrated in front of the town hall, drawing attention to the poor conditions of Roma refugees from Ukraine. They had banners with slogans such as “We are all human, let’s treat each other humanly”, “Solidarity without differences”, “Their husbands are fighting for their homeland and their wives are sleeping on the ground with their children” or “Stop selective solidarity”.
- U brněnského magistrátu protestovali lidé za práva romských uprchlíků. In” Radio Žurnal. 21.06.2022. https://radiozurnal.rozhlas.cz/u-brnenskeho-magistratu-protestovali-lide-za-prava-romskych-uprchliku-8772667
- U magistrátu v Brně protestovali lidé kvůli uprchlíkům i stavbě hráze. In: Radio Prague Internationql. 21.06.2022. https://cesky.radio.cz/u-magistratu-v-brne-protestovali-lide-kvuli-uprchlikum-i-stavbe-hraze-8753818
- В Чехии протестовали против плохих условий для украинских беженцев-ромов. In: Hromadske. 21.06.2022. https://hromadske.radio/ru/news/2022/06/21/v-chekhyy-protestovaly-protyv-plokhykh-uslovyy-dlia-ukraynskykh-bezhentsev-romov
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