Bulgaria and Racism

A Bulgarian, Petar Nizamov, is hunting refugees and Roma at the Bulgarian Turkish border. He is the president of a group called “Civic Group for the Defence of Borders, Woman, and Faith”, and has regularly been accused of violence against Roma. He is also claiming not to have any reveues but flouts expensive cars and lifestyle…

– BULGARIE : PETAR NIZAMOV « PERATA », CHASSEUR DE ROMS ET DE RÉFUGIÉS. In: Courrier des Balkans. 22.07.2017. https://www.courrierdesbalkans.fr/Bulgarie-Quand-les-pauvres-roulent-en-Mercedes-et-travaillent-comme-patriotes [link-preview url=”https://www.courrierdesbalkans.fr/Bulgarie-Quand-les-pauvres-roulent-en-Mercedes-et-travaillent-comme-patriotes”]

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