Bulgaria: Terrorists

A report on the arrest of 6 people in Bulgaria for their involvement in a terrorist network. So far – nothing special. But then, the small sentence about the rise of “radical Islam” among the Roma community.
This has nothing to do with the arrests – but puts squarely the Roma in the focus.
Bad journalism.

– Bulgarie: six inculpés pour financement d’un puissant réseau terroriste. In: I24 Europe. 19.01.2019. https://www.i24news.tv/fr/actu/international/europe/193530-190119-bulgarie-six-inculpes-pour-financement-d-un-puissant-reseau-terroriste [link-preview url=”https://www.i24news.tv/fr/actu/international/europe/193530-190119-bulgarie-six-inculpes-pour-financement-d-un-puissant-reseau-terroriste”]

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