Category Archives: Croatia

Croatia: Bi-Lingual Town

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For the first time in history, Roma are given the right to bilingual signs. This is the result of the recent census in which the

Međimurje municipality of Orehovica has become the first local self-government unit in which the Roma minority exceeded 33 percent of the population which is a prerequisite for bilingualism.

Of all the national minorities, only Roma recorded growth, and that by some six percent. This can have many reasons, as Roma usually do not declare themselves as such in censuses.

Croatia Census

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According to the final results of the 2021 population census, there are 3,871,883 inhabitants in Croatia. Among them, by nationality, there are 3,547,614 (91.63%) Croats, 123,892 (3.2%) Serbs, 24,131 (0.62%) Bosniaks, 17,980 (0.46%) Roma, and 13,763 (0.36%) Italians.

Bosnian is the mother tongue of 17,531 citizens (0.45%), Italian is the mother tongue of 12,890 (0.33 %) citizens, Romanes is the mother tongue of 15,269 citizens (0.39%), and Albanian is the mother tongue of 13,503 citizens (0.35).

As usual, it is almost impossible to know if the numbers of Roma is anywhere close to reality.

Croatian Roma Holocaust

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The martyrdom of the Roma, marginalized by the Yugoslav and Croatian authorities after the Second World War, saw the near-complete annihilation of the Roma community in Croatia. Since 2002, remembrance efforts have been made so that their status as full-fledged genocide victims is recognized, but their story has yet to be truly included in school textbooks. A look back with historian Danijel Vojak on this marginalized history.

Croatia and Roma

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Siniša Senad Musić, the vice-president of the Roma Youth Organization of Croatia stated that the Roma civil society has a committee to monitor the implementation of the National Plan for the inclusion of Roma, but these, while Roma, are financed by the state, and therefore it is very difficult for other Roma to criticize them.

This is a common pattern in many countries.

Roma Holocaust Remembrance: Croatia

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Croatia commemorated the Roma Holocaust on August 2nd. This commemoration is always controversial due to the rehabilitation of several Croatians Ustaša. The Fascist Croatian regime effectively killed near ALL Croatian Roma in World War Two, a fact that they currently prefer to ignore.

Croatia: Reaction

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The representative of national minorities in the Croatian Parliament, Veljko Kajtazi, commented live for N1 Studio on the latest statements of the President of Croatia, Zoran Milanović, who on Friday in Imotski commented on the Roma community and his earlier statements about them and the climate.

Veljko Kajtazi said that he did not ask for an apology from the president for his earlier statements, but added that he considered the statements inappropriate.

Croatia and Roma

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The Croatian President Zoran Milanović rejected the interpretation of the representative of the Roma minority, Veljko Kajtazi, that he had offended the Roma in his criticism of the government’s energy saving plan, saying that his statement was without any ill intent and that he has no intention of apologizing. Among other things, he had said that it is better to sell air conditioners to Roma if the temperature is set to 25 degrees. “They will make a profit on it. Roma are very skilled in these things.”

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Croatia and Roma

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In the last five years, the number of Roma students has increased three times. These data come from the Croatian Government Office for Human Rights and National Minorities, according to which more and more Roma children remain in the school system. They graduate from university, become lawyers, but often do not find work due to racism.

Ustasha and Roma

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Croatia for the first tie commemorated Roma victims of the Ustasha who literally killed the entire Roma population of Croatia. Meanwhile, the Jewish community declined to participate in the commemoration in Jasenovac, the infamous concentration camp. They are right, and Roma should do the same.

Croatia and Roma

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The most deprived category of Croatians are Roma children …

– Roma Children Most Deprived Group in Croatia. In: Total Croatia News. 09.05.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Croatia and Discrimination

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In Međimurje, in the north of Croatia, Roma are victims of discriminations and exclusion. Measures rank from not paying social help in cash but rather in coupons, but the exclusion lies in work, in segregated neighbourhoods etc.

– CROATIE : EXCLUSION ET DISCRIMINATIONS POUR LES ROMS DU MEĐIMURJE. In: Le Courrier des Balkans. 19.03.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Croatian Roma

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An article about the Roma from Croatia emigrating. Well, not surprising if one knows the racism against Roma in that country. To be noted, The Croatian Ustaša exterminated nearly all Roma in the country during World War Two, the ones living there currently being descendants of Roma from other parts of Yugoslavia who migrated there after the war.

– Croatia’s Roma Join Mass Emigration. In: Total Croatia News. 29.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Exhibition on Holocaust

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The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance launched a digital exhibition on the Roma and Sinti Holocaust. Worth checking.

– Digital Exhibition about Genocide of Sinti and the Roma accompanied by Stories about Hungary, Croatia and Romania. In: IHRA. [link-preview url=””]

International Romanes Day

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Croatia marked the International Romanes day in advance. It is celebrated on November 5th.

– Croatia Marking International Roma Language Day. 03.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Education, Work, and Roma

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Conference on the integration of Roma in the workforce in Croatia.

– Inclusion of Roma youth through education, employment and political participation. In: Council of Europe. 26.09.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Book on Ustaša

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The book “1941” by Slavko Goldstein analyses the origins of the nationalism in the Balkans, and shows the atrocities committed by the Ustaša against Jew, Roma, and Serbs during that time.

– Das entscheidende Jahr. In: TAZ. 29.09.2018.!5536502/ [link-preview url=”!5536502/”]

Holocaust Remembrance: Croatia

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Let’s not forget that Croatia killed nearly ALL Croatian Roma during World War Two. This was not the Germans, but the Ustaša. If you want to meet the few Croatian Roma who survived, you have to go to Milan …

– Croatia Marks International Roma Genocide Remembrance Day. 02.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Croatia and Racism

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A Romni artist in Rijeka was told by a taxi driver that he would not give rides to gypsies and whores …
Summarises well what happens in Croatia.

– Umjetnicu koja izlaže u Rijeci napao vozač: ‘Ne vozim Cigane i ne vozim kurve. Vozim za dom i poglavnika’. In: Novilist. 25.07.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Croatia and its Past

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An interview of Goran Miljan, author of the book “Croatia and the Rise of Fascism” published by Tauruns (2018).

– La Croatie face à son passé fasciste. In: La Liberté. 13.07.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Croatia: No Proof

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Following the statements by Branimir Bunjac, a Croatian MP from the Živi Zid party (a populist party) that Roma bride were sold in Northern Croatia, the press took the information over and splashed it everywhere.
Now the police stated they had NO EVIDENCE of such transactions.
No further comments.

– Police have no information on Roma brides being sold to marriage. In: Total Croatia. 24.05.2018. [link-preview url=””]