Category Archives: Hungary

Budapest: City Tours

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Roma volunteers are organising walking tours of the 8th district in Budapest, a district whose population is overwhelmingly Roma. The tours offer the opportunity to meet Roma and confront some of the stereotypes.

– Megsétáltatják a turistákat a cigánylányok a nyolckerben. In: Index. 24.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Exhibition on Holocaust

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The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance launched a digital exhibition on the Roma and Sinti Holocaust. Worth checking.

– Digital Exhibition about Genocide of Sinti and the Roma accompanied by Stories about Hungary, Croatia and Romania. In: IHRA. [link-preview url=””]

10 Years

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Has something changed in Hungary, ten years after the killing of Roma?


Hungary and Homeless

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12 Roma organisations in Hungary have joined the protest against the new law criminalising homelessness in Hungary.

– Roma szervezetek is csatlakoztak a hajléktalanság büntethetősége ellen. In: Index. 31.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

You Could Think That …

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By looking at the pictures, you could think the article is about Roma. It isn’t. It is about the housing situation of poor people in Budapest and them being driven out to the suburbs and to very precarious situation.
Not good.

– Gazdag telkesek között bújnak meg a lakhatási válság áldozatai. In: Abcug. 25.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary: Condemnation

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A real first in Hungary: The Tribunal of Eger in Hungary’s North East condemned the Hungarian state for segregation of school in Gyöngyöspata. The state needs to pay and indemnity to 60 young Roma. (Article in Hungarian and French translation).

– Pert nyertek a Gyöngyöspatán szegregáltan oktatott romák. In: Abcug. 16.10.2018.
– Ségrégation scolaire : des écoliers roms font condamner l’État hongrois en première instance. In: Le Courrier d’Europe Centrale. 16.10.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Hungary – Condemnation

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Two men in Hungary were sentenced to thirteen and a half and seven and a half years of jail. The two men, according the to the accusation, were intending to kill wealthy Roma in 2015 with demilitarised weapons. Initially, they were accused of plotting to kill the Hungarian Prime Minister Orban, but that accusation was dropped later.

– Roma uzsorásokat akart kifosztani és meggyilkolni két idősödő neonáci. In: Index. 15.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Jobbik and Roma

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In case anyone doubts the view of the extreme right party Jobbik on Roma: The two sons of a prominent Jobbik party member are on trial for intimidation and threats against a Roma family.
Astonishing that they are on trial … Let’s see what comes out of it.

– “Csak sütögetni mentek” a Jobbik elnökének fiai, nem befenyíteni – folytatódik a per. In: 888. 11.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary – Tensions

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A sad story in Encs, a small village in North Eastern Hungary: A five year old Roma girl was run over by a local, triggering a riot and resulting in police patrols in the village. This is just a sign of the tensions that exist in Hungary between Roma and the local population.

– Mindenfelé szaladgálnak a gyerekek Encsen, ahol egy gázolásból majdnem lincselés let. In: 444. 12.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary and Work

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According to Mr. László Kövér, the Speaker of the Parliament, Hungary which currently has a real labour shortage can count on two pillars: One is in the education system, which and the other is the “non-integrated part of the Roma population in Hungary. The education system has been underfunded and is segregating Roma, and Roma, especially in the countryside are forced to work in menial jobs under a public works program…
This is not really promising.

– Kövér: Magyarországnak több tartaléka is van a munkaerőhiány megoldására. In: Mandiner. 05.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Brigitta Balogh

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Another article on the young Hungarian Romni who is set to become the first Roma barrister in the UK.

– Hungarian Woman Set to Become Britain’s First Roma Barrister. In: Hungary Today. 03.10.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Hungarian Press on Hungarian Roma in the UK

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An article in the Hungarian press on Brigit Balogh, a Hungarian Romni who is probably going to become England’s first Roma barrister.

– Magyar roma nőről ír az Independent, aki a brit cigányság jogaiért küzd. In: Index. 26.09.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary and Education

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Ricsi and Tibi, two Hungarian Roma who studied in Miskolc in Eastern Hungary nearly have 20’000 followers on Youtube. They are making fun of stereotypes and daily discriminations Roma are confronted to. But they also want Roma to go to university and are engaged in helping them achieve it.

– « Nous aimerions que, pour les Roms, la possibilité de réussir devienne une évidence » In: Le Courrier d’Europe Centrale. 26.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Not Good

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A new book on Roma in Hungary, and lots of falsehoods on their origins and arrival in Hungary.

– Emberevő cigányok és újmagyarok. In: Index. 22.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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A good example of what can be achieved even in a region that is really poor. Roma in a very tiny village (Szúcs-Bányatelep) in North Eastern Hungary help themselves.

– En Hongrie, un village rom fait mentir les préjugés. In: Le Courrier International. 27.07.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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A good example of what can be achieved even in a region that is really poor. Roma in a very tiny village (Szúcs-Bányatelep) in North Eastern Hungary help themselves.

– En Hongrie, un village rom fait mentir les préjugés. In: Le Courrier International. 27.07.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Ten Years

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Ten years ago, a series of murders against Roma started in Hungary. This was definitively not a glorious chapter for Hungary.

– Das vergessene Verbrechen. In: Der Spiegel. 21.07.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary: Discrimination

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The Hungarian Scout movement is being accused of bias against Roma and other religions. Not really surprising in Hungary and especially in view of the movement’s history.

– HUNGARIAN SCOUTING ASSOCATION IS ACCUSED OF ANTI-ROMA PREJUDICE. In: Hungarian Spectrum. 12.07.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia and Others

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A new program was launched in several countries. It aims to develop initiatives that further the public dialogue and abolish the increasingly sharp divides between Roma na d the rest of the population as well as and deducing radicalization in a polarised society in seven countries (Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Germany).

– Ako práčovňa na Horehroní rieši problémy nezamestnanosti Rómov. In: TV SME. 04.07.2018. [link-preview url=””]