Category Archives: Hungary

Hungary and Integration

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The sad story of a village in North Eastern Hungary that refused a large grant to help integrate its Roma minority. Symptomatic of the country at large.


Hungary: Segregation

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Hungarian schools are increasingly segregating Roma children. The report is chilling.

– Growing segregation of Roma children in Hungary. In: Hungarian Free Press. 21.05.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary, Roma, and Social Services

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Peter Niedermüller and Soraya Post, EU MPs, jointly published an article on the dire situation of Roma children in Hungary. They are all too often taken away from their families by social services and end up abused. They are asking the EU to start an infringement procedure against Hungary.

– Mums and dads of Roma children deprived parent rights. In: EU Observer. 15.05.2018.
– Niedermüller: Túl sok roma gyereket jogtalanul emelnek ki a családjukból. In: Index. 15.05.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Roma Heroes – 2nd International Roma Storytelling Festival

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“Roma Heroes” is the second internationally organised theatre festival for Independent held May 24-27, 2018, at the Studio K Theatre (1092 Budapest, Ráday u. 32). The aim of the special cultural event is to draw attention to Roma drama and story-telling, as well as to the situation of Roma communities, by exemplifying individual fate and by highlighting everyday challenges. Eight contemporary European works will be presented at the festival.

– ROMA HŐSÖK – II. NEMZETKÖZI ROMA STORYTELLING FESZTIVÁL. In: Studio K Szinhaz. [link-preview url=””]

Viktoria Mohacsi

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The Hungarian Romni, lawyer and former member of the parliament, Viktoria Mohacsi, was granted asylum in Canada. Her application had been initially dismissed in 2016/2017. She fled to Canada in 2011 following her criticisms of the handling of the case of the Roma murders in several localities at the time in Hungary.

– Politikai menedékjogot kapott Kanadában az egykori SZDSZ-es roma EP-képviselő. In: Index. 11.05.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Nograd and Roma

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An article about the Roma in Nograd, a region North East of Budapest, amongst the poorest in the country. A study has just been published and its results are not good.
Segregation has increased, something that anyone visiting the region can testify to.

– Dans le nord de la Hongrie, la situation se dégrade pour les familles roms. In: Le Courrier d’Europe Centrale. 30.04.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary: Racism

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Members of the Roma band “Pasrno Grast” were refused entry in a disco in Budapest on most probably on the grounds of them being Roma. This in spite of the fact that the band is well known in Hungary and its concerts are attended by many non-Roma Hungarians.
Unfortunately, not surprising in Hungary.

– Nem engedték be egy pesti diszkóba a roma Parno Graszt zenekar tagjait. In: Index Culture. 29.04.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Ukraine Vigilantes

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Ukrainian neo Nazi vigilantes burnt down a Roma camp and drove away the Roma in Kiev. These Roma are from Transcarpathia – the Western part of the Ukraine that lies on the Western flank of the Ukraine towards Hungary and Slovakia. The region has many Carpathian Roma who are extremely poor.

– Ukrainian neo-Nazi C14 vigilantes drive out Roma families, burn their camp. In: KHPG. 23.04.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Hungarian Elections …

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Jobbik, the extreme right party stands a very good change of being the largest opposition party in Hungary. It is officially no longer anti-Semitic and anti-Roma. Well, maybe …

– Gabor Vona seeks to make Jobbik Hungary’s official opposition. In: Euronews. 06.04.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Hungarian Elections

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An article of what is at stake for Roma in the upcoming elections and what the issues are that are relevant to them. The article focuses on Paszto, a small town and Szirak, a village in Nograd, one of the poorer regions of Hungary.

– Hungary’s impoverished Roma to vote with their pocketbooks on April 8th. In: Budapest Beacon. 04.04.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary, Roma, and Elections

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Even though Janos Lazar claims that Roma show one cannot integrate migrants, Roma are still being courted by Orban’s party for the upcoming elections on April 8th. A scandal just emerged where the president of the Roma Autonomy Janos Balogh was recorded trying to convince an event organiser to just bill him for fictitious events. The money would then be paid by the state, i.e. by the taxpayer.
According to some people, this is a way to pay for the organisation of Roma vote, especially in the country side.

– „Akkor kapol hatszázat, tisztán” – Választási csalást szervezhet a roma vezető. In: Magyar Nemzet. 31.03.2018.
– Választási csalást szervezhet egy roma vezető. In: Magyar Nemzet. 30.03.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Roma Education Fund

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Positions available at the Roma Education Fund.

– Positions Available: Two Country Coordinators for VELUX Foundations Project Shaping Academic and Employment Skills for Young Roma in Hungary and Slovakia. In: Roma Education Fund. [link-preview url=””]

Hungarian Roma in Toronto

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The story of Joszef who fled Hungary to Canada and has now settled in Toronto. Good that one speaks of the situation in Hungary.

– Seeking asylum: How one Roma family fled persecution for safety in Canada. In: City News. 29.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary – WHAT????

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According to Janos Lazar, a close ally of Victor Orban, the Roma are the proof that migrants cannot be integrated.
Another racist …

– Orbán ally hits anti-Roma note ahead of election. In: Politico. 29.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary and Roma

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The Hungarian child protection agency is systematically removing Roma children from their families but the Hungarian state does nothing to combat extreme poverty. The agency is now being sued.

– EMMI sued for taking away too many Roma children from their families due to poverty. In: The Budapest Beacon. 28.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary: Roma and School

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A chilling article on the treatment of Roma children in schools in Hungary. The testimonies were given in the context of a lawsuit against a school.
This will have little chances of succeeding, unfortunately.

– Roma children systematically humiliated in Hungary’s segregated schools. In: Budapest Beacon. 15.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Exhibition in Nitra, Slovakia

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An exhibition on the premises of the Nitra Gallery will last until 30 April and will showcase the HateFree project, which was first presented in the DOX Center of Contemporary Art in Prague. This project is responding to an increase in hate towards minorities in the Czech Republic. In its present form, the exhibition was established in cooperation with the Museum of Romany Culture in Brno and presents the work of artists from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary.

– Nitrianska galéria ponúka pohľad na postavenie Rómov v spoločnosti. In: 24 Hod. 10.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary, Ministers, and the Election

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With the elections nearing in Hungary, the propaganda becomes more and more rabid. A Fidesz candidate now fears that Moslems will take over Hungarian cities (really), and, the part that concerns us, the super minister of Human Resources, Zoltan Balog, made a statement son television saying that government funds earmarked to help integrate the Roma may have to be spent on immigrants instead, if migrants are allowed into to Central and Eastern Europe. This is an attempt at swaying Roma voters to Fidesz.

– Fidesz candidate in Budapest warns of looming Muslim takeover. In: Hungairan Free Press. 11.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary, Roma, Orban

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Gabor Varadi, president of the Miskolc Roma local government (in Eastern Hungary) is vehemently protesting against the fact that Orban de-facto qualified Roma as “migrants”. With the demonization of the migrants that has been underway in Hungary, this is very dangerous and definitively discriminatory for people who arrived in the 13th century after all…

– “A cigányság ellen uszított Orbán, bocsánatot kell kérnie”. In: HVG. [link-preview url=””]

Orban, Roma, and Migrants

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Guess what, Roma are bad, but migrants are worse, because they are foreign … Statements from the Hungarian Prime Minister Orban.

– Orbán says migrants are like gypsies, but migrants are worse because they come from outside Hungary. In: Budapest Beacon. 02.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]