Category Archives: Poland
An Article in Israel
An article in the Times of Israel on the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the destruction of the Roma camp in Auschwitz
- Decades after Holocaust, Romani community struggles for recognition of its genocide. In: Times of Israel. 02.08.2024.
Full videos of the August 1st Conference
On August 1st, 2024, a conference was held in Krakow on the commemoration of th 80th anniversary of the destruction of the Roma camp in Auschwitz.
August 2nd Commemoration in Auschwitz
Full video of the events on August 2nd in Auschwitz.
August 2nd Commemoration
The full video of the political speakers and public for the August 2nd commemoration of the Genocide of the Roma.
Poland: A piece of history
Thanks to the meticulousness of the authorities of communist Poland, we can learn not only when exactly the first Roma arrived and settled in Środa Śląska, but also thoroughly reconstruct the history of each Roma family, find out what jobs they undertook and how their superiors assessed the quality of their work.
- Z historii Romów w Środzie Śląskiej. In: Roland Gazeta. 22.07.2024.
Jerzy Ficowski
The Association of Roma in Poland reacted to the accusations against Jerzy Ficowski published in a book by Dr. Emilia Kledzik, who accused Jerzy Ficowski of excessive interference in the translation of the works of Papusza, i.e. Bronisława Wajs, using the word “forgery”.
The Association stated that “We believe that the allegations presented are unfair and require taking into account the appropriate historical context.”
- Oświadczenie Stowarzyszenia Romów W Polsce. Chodzi o Jerzego Ficowskiego. In: Onet Kultura. 16.07.2024.
The Unending Story
The Roma settlement in Koszary, located in the Limanowa region, are to be demolished as they were built without permits. A company has been contracted to demolish the houses. But they are not empty, as nothing has been done to re-locate the Roma families living there.
- Romskie samowole do wyburzenia, ale mieszkańców nie ma gdzie wysiedlić. In: Krakow TVP. 07.07.2024.
Bronisława Wajs (Papusza) is one of the best know Romani poets. She owes part of the fame to Jerzy Ficowski, a Polish poet and ethnographer who published her poetry. In the article here, Emilia Kledzik, a professor in the university of Poznan, claims that the poetry were largely constructed by Jerzy Ficowski.
She even uses the word “forgeries”.
- Wiersze Papuszy, które znaliśmy, to głównie falsyfikaty skonstruowane przez Jerzego Ficowskiego. In: Wyborcza. 05.07.2024.,124059,31109096,wiersze-papuszy-ktore-znalismy-to-glownie-falsyfikaty-skonstruowane.html
Małgorzata Mirga-Tas
An article about the art of Małgorzata Mirga-Tas.
- Fighting Sinti and Roma stereotypes with art. In: Deutsche Welle. 29.06.2024.
Poland: A Never-Ending Story
A team, appointed by the Voivode of Lesser Poland to solve the problems of the Roma community in Koszary has started work. Currently, the settlement located on plots belonging to the Limanowa commune is inhabited by over 120 Roma (including a large group of children), but a large part of them live in unauthorized construction works, which are subject to a valid demolition order. The first proposals were made on how to effectively enforce the law without escalating tensions in the area where the Roma have lived for half a century. One idea is to relocate Roma families to larger cities.
Already a few years ago, families living in the buildings, brick houses with water, sewage and electricity connections, received final decisions requiring demolition. So far, none of them has complied with the order.
- Rozwiążą problemy Romów w Koszarach? Wojewoda powołał specjalny zespół. In: Gazeta Krakowska. 18.06.2024.
Gliwice, Poland
A Roma evening in the southern town of Gliwice, Poland. With music and more.
- Wieczór z Romami w parku Chopina. In: Gliwice. 14.06.2024.
- Gliwice: Jutro wieczór z Romami w parku Chopina. In: Dwa Kwadrance. 14.06.2024.
Poland and Roma
On June 11, in the centre of Warsaw, Dariusz Gabor, the father of the famous singer Vika Gabor, was brutally attacked by a 34-year-old man. He severely beat Dariusz Gabor and sprayed him with gas. Viki was also injured. A few hours after the attack, the singer’s sister issued a statement. — Unfortunately, Polish society has a big problem with accepting and treating Roma.
- Melisa Gabor zabrała głos ws. ataku na jej tatę i siostrę. “Społeczeństwo polskie ma problem z akceptacją Romów”. In: Fakt. 11.06.2024.
Poland and Roma
Another article about the conflict between Roma and the rest of the population in the village of Koszary, in the Limanowa region. This conflict has been brewing for a long time, and there is no end in sight.
- Koszmary w Koszarach. Sąsiedzi chcą relokacji Romów. Z osiedla unosi się duszący dym. In: Wyborcza. 01.06.2024.,44425,30841058,romowie-w-koszarach.html
Poland: Let’s get to know each other
“Let’s get to know each other” is another part of the campaign of the W Towards Dialogu Foundation about the presence Roma of in Polish society. 72% of Polish women and men do not know a single person from the Roma community as written on the billboards of the campaign, which spread from the Internet to the streets of 15 Polish cities. Posters with Romani women and Roma can be seen, among others, in Warsaw and Wrocław.
- „Poznajmy się”: kolejna odsłona kampanii na temat obecności Romek i Romów w polskim społeczeństwie. In: Nowy Marketing. 05.06.2024.
More on May 16th
Two articles on the Roma resistance day and the commemoration in Auschwitz of the resistance of Roma inmates.
- OŚWIĘCIM. Romowie oddali hołd uczestnikom buntu w KL Auschwitz. In: Oświȩcim Online. 27.05.2024.
- Zabudnutí hrdinovia. Pred 80 rokmi sa Rómovia v Osvienčime postavili presile, aby získali čas. In: Romano Forum. 16.05.2024.
May 16th
On Thursday, Roma honoured the memory of the Roman inmates who rebelled in the so-called “Zigeunerlager” that was part of the German KL Auschwitz II-Birkenau. The president of the Roma Association in Poland, Roman Kwiatkowski, emphasized that through their actions they retained human dignity.
- Romowie uczcili pamięć przodków, uczestników buntu w KL Auschwitz. In: TVP Krakow. 16.05.2024.
International Program on Genocide
The Museum of Polish Jewish History is announcing recruitment for an international program dedicated to the memory of the Holocaust of Roma and Sinti. The program is addressed to educators and museologists from the Czech Republic, Germany and Poland. Applications are due by May 30th.
The program will last from June to October 2024 and will include two study visits in Brno and Berlin and a series of online meetings. Working in international groups, participants will develop educational ideas related to the commemoration of the Holocaust of Roma and Sinti, which they will present to a wider audience during an online event at the end of the program.
- Pamięć o Zagładzie Romów i Sinti. Międzynarodowy program dla edukatorów i muzealników. In: Polin.
Ukrainian Roma Refugees in Poland
Ewelina Bosak from the W Stroną Dialogu Foundation stated that 87 Roma from Ukraine are camping in the waiting room of the railway station in Przemyśl. There were 44 people there on Sunday, and on Thursday morning there were 87. Most of them were children, the youngest of whom is eight months old. There is also a pregnant woman and a man with cancer.
- Na dworcu PKP w Przemyślu koczuje 87 uchodźców. Nie ma ośrodka, który mógłby ich przyjąć. In: Wyborca. 16.05.2024.,34962,30977155,na-dworcu-pkp-w-przemyslu-koczuje-87-uchodzcow-nie-ma-miejsc.html