Category Archives: Russia

Russia: Pogroms

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Russia: Pogroms

Finally, the news makes it to the West. We reported on it already.

Following the murder of a taxi driver by a Rom, a pogrom started in the town of Korkino, in the Cheliabinsk region. Subsequently after the riots, several Roma were summoned to serve in the army in the Ukraine, a certain death and definitively a punishment.

For the journalist: there are no Sinti in Russia …

Russia, Roma, and the War

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Russia, Roma, and the War

A pogrom against Roma happened recently in Korkino, in the Cheliabinsk region. It happened after the murder of a 40-year-old taxi driver. She was killed by a teenage Rom. He probably argued with the woman about the fare. After her death, riots broke out in the city.

Seven Roma from Korkino have received summonses to report to a military recruitment centre. This was reported by Igor Dongauzer, the prosecutor of the Chelyabinsk region, during a regular meeting with the residents of Korkino. This is probably a punishment that is supposed to help the authorities rebuild their authority in the city.

Russia: Pogroms

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Russia: Pogroms

Last week, 40-year-old Elena Sarafanova was killed in the city of Korkino (Chelyabinsk region) — two Roma teenagers were accused of the crime. The next day, pogroms began in the city: angry residents went to the settlement, where the Roma live compactly, and set fire to several houses.

It seems that hatred ran deep, and that residents asked “where to deport them if they have no homeland” …

Russia, the War, and Roma

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Russia, the War, and Roma

Police and the Russian National Guard conducted a raid on the night of October 30 in areas of where Roma live in the Gatchina District of the Leningrad Region of Russia. More than 50 men were detained and registered for military service.  A “total check” as part of criminal cases on illegal drug trafficking was carried out in these areas. In one of the houses in the village of Novosiverskaya, according to the Russian police, equipment for the production of synthetic drugs and several kilograms of an unknown substance were found in a family of “nomadic people”. In addition, 15 million rubles, two traumatic pistols and a hunting rifle were allegedly seized.

In brife, Russia is looking for cannon fodder and is highlightin Roma as criminals.

Russia and Roma

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Russia and Roma

Following the murder of a taxi driver in the region of Cheliabinsk, a murder that was bamed on Roma, a pogrom took place in the Roma neighbourhood.


Russia, Mobilisation, and Roma

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Russia has long been recruiting prisoners, criminals and its own ethnic minorities from different regions into the war against Ukraine. Now they have begun to “engage” other categories of the population – Roma and migrants.

For example, on December 12, in the Leningrad region, 30 to 50 Roma were taken to military registration and enlistment offices. The head of the Sitting Rus’ charity foundation, Olga Romanova, told Channel 24 about this, noting that they would subsequently be sent to the front.

Transnistria and Roma

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In Tiraspol, Transnistria – a region that declared independence and is only recognised by Russia, a round table on “The social and economic position of the Roma in society” was organised. Among its participants are representatives of public organizations, executive bodies of power, as well as deputies of the Supreme Council.
Well, no comments …

– ПРОБЛЕМЫ РОМОВ ОБСУДИЛИ НА КРУГЛОМ СТОЛЕ В ТИРАСПОЛЕ. In: Novosti PMR. 31.01.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Roma in Russia

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A long article from RT on Roma in Russia. While some of the facts are correct (Xaladytka, Servi, and then Kalderaša), they miss quite a few things (Kirimlides who are just a footnote on religion, Lovara, etc. who also came at the beginning of the 20th century – not 19th as they state).
But there are also lots of folklore such a caste system and “values”.
Full stereotypes indeed.

– Fact and Fallacy: History, beliefs & culture of Russian Gypsies. In: RT. 20.12.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Ukraine and Integration

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An article on whether integration of Rom in the Ukraine. Good, but … The “but” stems from the fact that the article does not differentiate and throws all Roma in a pot. And the situations are very different in the Ukraine depending on the Roma group and the regions.
Something to bear in mind.

– Could integration help Ukraine’s Roma? In: Open Democracy. 13.11.2018.
– Ganna Sokolova: Could integration help Ukraine’s Roma? In: Kyiv Post. 13.11.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Russia for Russians

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The head of the Federal National-Cultural Autonomy of Russian Gypsies told the press that the authorities pay little attention to the Roma, and that the media only write about them in a negative light. In Russia, the number of those who approve the slogan “Russia for Russians” has increased according to the Levada Center poll, which states that the share of citizens supporting such a statement has grown from 10 to 19%. As the “360” TV channel notes, the number of those who favour restriction of the rights of Roma to live in Russia has increased especially from 17 to 32%.

– Глава автономии цыган объяснила неприязнь россиян к кочевому народу. In: MSN. 27.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

The Guardian in Russian

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The Guardian article on Roma in the Ukraine has gotten a Russian and a Ukrainian translation.

– Они хотели убить нас. Неофашисты в масках наводят страх на ромов Украины – Guardian. In: Novoe Vremya. 28.08.2018.
– They wanted to kill us’: masked neo-fascists strike fear into Ukraine’s Roma. In: The Guardian. 27.08.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Russian Nationalism

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Not surprisingly, Russians are getting increasingly nationalists and think that Russia is for Russians. The first victims thereof are clearly Roma …
Bad, especially in a country where there were very little stereotypes against Roma.

– Mehr Russen lehnen Fremde ab. In: Tageschau. 27.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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Apparently, in Russia near Belgorod, a Rom raped and killed a 9 years old girl. This resulted in riots against Roma. The information may or may not be true, but it is bad that it is being published.

– Riots break out in village near Belgorod following murder of child by gypsy pedophile. In: Crime in Russia. 04.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Moscow Clean Up

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The story of the clean-up in Moscow prior and during the world cup. Clearly some Roma were affected.

– Roma Purged from World Cup as Moscow Undergoes ‘Clean-up’. In: Travellers Times. 16.07.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Moscow Clean Up

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The story of the clean-up in Moscow prior and during the world cup. Clearly some Roma were affected.

– Roma Purged from World Cup as Moscow Undergoes ‘Clean-up’. In: Travellers Times. 16.07.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Roma in the Ukraine

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In a UNN interview, a human rights activist, Zemfira Kondur, vice president of the Russian Chikryli Women’s Foundation said that today, up to 400,000 Roma live in Ukraine, but only 5-7% of the total live in camps and migrate around the country. The official numbers of Roma are much lower, essentially because most Roma simply don’t declare their origins.

– Today, up to 400,000 Roma live in Ukraine, but only 5-7% of the total live in camps and migrate to the country. In: UNN. 12.07.2018. [link-preview url=””]

UK Discrimination

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A pub chain is backing a campaign against discrimination of Roma and Travellers. Nice, but it is the consequence of a court case in 2015 where Travellers were denied entry in those very pubs.

– Wetherspoon backs campaign against Traveller and Gypsy discrimination. In: The Guardian. 02.07.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Ukraine: Claims and Counter Claims

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The head of the Ukrainian security alleges a Russian hand in the latest attack against Roma in the Ukraine. The article here offers an analysis of these claims and counter claims.

– Ukrainian State Security Chief Alleges ‘Russian Hand’ in Attack on Roma. In: Polygraph. 26.06.2018.
– Polygraph: Ukrainian state security chief alleges ‘Russian hand’ in attack on Roma. In: Kyiv Post. 27.06.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Ukraine: Claims and Counter Claims

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The head of the Ukrainian security alleges a Russian hand in the latest attack against Roma in the Ukraine. The article here offers an analysis of these claims and counter claims.

– Ukrainian State Security Chief Alleges ‘Russian Hand’ in Attack on Roma. In: Polygraph. 26.06.2018.
– Polygraph: Ukrainian state security chief alleges ‘Russian hand’ in attack on Roma. In: Kyiv Post. 27.06.2018. [link-preview url=” “]