A conference live from Budapest on May 3rd.
- Online-Vortrag: Die Situation ukrainischer Roma. In: Regio Aktuell. 15.04.2022. https://regio-aktuell24.de/online-vortrag-die-situation-ukrainischer-roma/159612
A conference live from Budapest on May 3rd.
The kind of articles on really doesn’t need. In the State of Thuringia, the refugees’ centres are full. But they also speak of “Roma clans”, “Roma extended families”, all the stereotypes.
More and more municipalities in the German state of Thuringia are turning to the Thuringian State Association of Sinti and Roma for help when taking in refugees from the Ukraine. “We have been receiving calls for help from the authorities since the beginning of July,” said chairman Jens Hellmann on Tuesday when asked. It seems that since the beginning of the month, more and more Roma who have fled have come to Thuringia by bus. Many of them are illiterate, and there are also reservations among the local population. Since then, the association’s social workers and interpreters have been traveling to the respective locations and helping with translation or accommodation.
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The Documentation Centre of Sinti and Roma in Heidelberg, Germany, has opened a hotline for Roma from the Ukraine.
Another case of different treatment of Roma refugees from the Ukraine in Germany. This time, in Bielefeld, where the housing where Roma were put definitively was not up to standards.
At least someone in the Government says something…
Well, Roma refugees are not welcome … We know that.
A Romea Reportage for Deutsche Welle.
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The Czech police finally admitted it: The Czech government rhetoric that they would not support Roma refugees from the Ukraine because most of them have the Hungarian nationality is a lie. According to the police only 150 out of more than 5’000 registered Roma had a Hungarian passport and background.
This is called institutional racism.
The Czech have been saying that they had many Roma refugees from the Ukraine that had a Hungarian passport, thus justifying the blanket denial of help.
Well, it is not quite like that. 150 Roma out of 5’000 had a Hungarian passport, according to the Czech police.
An article highlighting the fact that Roma refugees from the Ukraine are not welcome.
Refugees in the Ukraine have issues. They have even more when they are Roma.
An interview and views from the Ukraine.
The artists of the Khamoro festival performed in a refugee camp.
The Council of Europe Project “Strengthening the protection of national minorities, including Roma and minority languages in Ukraine” is launching a call for proposals to receive Grants for activities protecting the rights of national minorities and Roma, as well as the implementation of the Council of Europe standards in the context of Russian military aggression against Ukraine.
An article on Ukrainian Roma in Poland, and the story of discriminations in Poland and in the Ukraine.
An interview with Ms. Talewicz-Kwiatkowska on the situation of Roma in the Ukraine, on the reasons of their flight, and on racism.
Well, they have to fight against stereotypes, and since quite a few of them do not have Ukrainian IDs or passports, they are being accused of not being from there.
The Czech government is denying Roma from the Ukraine who have a Hungarian passport or no Ukrainian proof of citizenship asylum. They ended up sleeping in Prague’s central railway station. Now, they will no longer be allowed to and are being put up in a tent camp. On Tuesday (May 31), they opened another temporary tent town for them, and the state offers them the opportunity to return home or to Hungary, if they also have Hungarian citizenship, free of charge. The editor of RTVS Boris Kršňák dealt with the topic at Rádiožurárna on Radio Slovakia.
An article on the fate of Roma refugees from the Ukraine camping at the railway station in Prague. The Prague government denies them help given to Ukrainian refugees, as many of these Roma also have a Hungarian passport.