Category Archives: Austria


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The traditional pilgrimage of Rom to Mariazell will take place on August 12th.

– Mariazell: Traditionelle Roma-Wallfahrt. In: Vatican News. 09.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Austria: August 2nd?

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There is a proposal to officialise August 2nd in Austria as the day of the commemoration of Roma victims of the Holocaust.

– Mandl schlägt 2. August als offiziellen österreichischen Gedenktag für Roma und Sinti vor. In: OTS. 01.08.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Vienna Roma Festival

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An interview of Simonida Selimović about her, and about the Roma festival in Vienna.

– „Wir sind Roma – na und?“. In: Die Presse. 14.05.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Romano Svato

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Interview with the activists and actresses of Romano Svato, the company behind the show Roma Armee Fraction.

– Austria: Romani Artists Telling Stories of Resistance, Not Victimhood. In: Romea. 02.06.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Austria and Prejudice

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An Essay on the rampant racism against Roma which still exists in Austria nowadays. This article dismantles several of them, such as the one of the begging mafia.
A must read.

– Roma werden in Österreich immer noch diskriminiert – und es ist jedem scheißegal. In: Vice. 21.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Check it Out!

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Look at “Romano Svato” – a Roma theatre, a film and cultural association in Vienna, Austria.

– [link-preview url=” “]

Ceija Stoika

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Another article in the French Press on the retrospective of Ceija Stojka’s work.

– Ceija Stojka, une artiste rom dans le siècle. In: Exponaute. 27.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Litzmannstadt Ghetto

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An article about the tragic fate of the Roma in the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. The Roma part of the Ghetto was liquidated 76 years ago. Many of the Roma there came from the Austrian Burgenland.
May they rest in peace.

– Tragiczna historia Romów z Litzmannstadt Ghetto. In: Dzeinnik Łodzki. 18.01.2018.,12854450 [link-preview url=”,12854450″]

Austria: Reassurances

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It is fairly bad if the president of a country feels obliged to reassure Holocaust survivors that they don’t risk anything… This is what happened in Austria, on the background of an Austrian interior minister who suggested to “concentrate” refugees in camps.

– Austrian President Seeks to Reassure Holocaust Survivors on Government. In: USNews (Reuters). 11.01.2018.
– FPÖ-Innenminister Kickl will Flüchtlinge “konzentriert” an einem Ort halten. In: Die Welt. 11.01.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Vienna: 3rd Report on Antitziganism

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Romano Centro published yesterday its third report on Antitziganism in Austria. A must read and well done!

– Wien | Video | Dritter Antiziganismus-Bericht erschienen. In: Romblog. 14.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Stumbling Stones in Vienna

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A series of stumbling stones commemorating victims of the Holocaust, among them Roma, are set up in Vienna.
At a time where Vienna is again taking a sharp right turn, this is a reminder of what such policies can lead to.

– Vienna’s Dark WWII History is Literally Embedded in its Streets. In: Vice. 08.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Austria and Beggars

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An article about the effects of forbidding begging in cities. This does not eradicate this issue, it just distributes it …

– Roma: Bettelverbote lösen die Probleme nicht. In: ORF Vorarblerg. 06.11.2017. [link-preview url=””]