Category Archives: Germany

Germany: New Association in Augsburg

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A new association for Rroma and Sinti in Augsburg has been created and is being officially presented at the town hall. The organisation wants to promote the culture, combat discrimination and stereotypes, and remember the victims of the Holocaust.

– Eine Stimme für Sinti und Roma: Augsburger Regionalverband hat große Pläne. In: Stadtzeitung Augsburg. 17.02.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Germany – Darmstadt

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The city of Darmstadt, in Germany, will open a new museum in 2017 on the history of Rroma and Sinti.

– Darmstadt erhält ein neues Museum zur Geschichte der Sinti und Roma. In: Echo. 15.02.2017. [link-preview url=””]


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A new term “Gruppenbezogene Meschenfeindlichkeit” – meaning roughly “Group related human hostility” is making the rounds in Germany.
What it means is simply racism against minorities. And the article points it out, 25% of Germans are against Rroma and Sinti.

– Ein Begriff macht Karriere: “Gruppenbezogene Menschenfeindlichkeit”. In: Telepolis. 11.02.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Opening of the Movie Django

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The movie on Django Reinhard’s life opened at the Berlin Film festival, with some mixed critiques. During the opening, Rroma and the Holocaust were prominently cited, and comparisons with current times were made.

– Berlin Film Review: ‘Django’ In: Variety. 09.02.2017.
– Political resistance on Berlinale red carpet. In: DW. 09.02.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

An Interview with Dotschy Reinhardt

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An interview with the musician and political activist Dotschy Reinhardt. She is fighting against stereotypes and prejudice and is now also engaged in politics.
Well done!

– „Ich habe mir eine Wut angefressen“ In: TaZ. 09.02.2017.!5379918/ [link-preview url=”!5379918/”]

Rroma & Sinti Philharmonic

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A documentary of Deutsche Welle on a philharmonic orchestra that is composed entirely from Rroma and Sinti …

– The Roma and Sinti Philharmonic. In: DW. 25.01.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Berlin: Exhibition on Ethnic Cleansing

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A new exhibition titled “when Berlin was Gypsy-free” opened in Berlin. The exhibition highlights the persecution of Rroma and Sinti in Germany and in its capital and especially the “cleansing” of the city prior to the 1936 Olympic Games.

– Als Berlin “Zigeunerfrei” war. In: Junge Welt. 01.02.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Germany and the Holocaust

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A good article on how Germany remembers and deals with its past.

– Holocaust remembrance day: How Germany reflects on its Nazi past. In: The Local (DE). 27.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

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More news this week in France. Worryingly, besides the usual expulsions, there are many news about criminal Rroma. This is really bad!
In Paris, the Rroma camping on the petite ceinture railway and in a disaffected tunnel will have to go; near the Marne river, a controversy about garbage left by Rroma, and an action to clean the banks of the Marne; the story of a Rromni, Parashkeva, whose caravan was destroyed during an evacuation in the North of France in Loos; a view from above of a camp in Hellemes, also in the North of France; and an article about what happened to people whose camp was evacuated recently.
Then, crime …
In the North, where 4 Rroma were stealing because of hunger; two Rroma arrested in Germany in a truck stolen in Western France full of tools; 9 burglaries for a couple in the South; pickpockets in Montpellier; and another article about petty theft in the South.

– Expulsion avancée pour les Roms de la petite ceinture ? In: Le Parisien. 27.01.2017.
– Paris: Un bidonville «rom» aussi dans le 17e le long de la Petite Ceinture. In: 20 Minutes (FR). 26.01.2017.
– Paris : le village Rom dans le tunnel de la Petite Ceinture devra disparaître. In: Le Parisien. 25.01.2017.
– Route de Malnoue : tout le monde se renvoie la balle ! In: Le Parisien. 25.01.2017.
– Saint-Thibault-des-Vignes. Ils ont nettoyé les bords de Marne et l’ancien camp rom. In: Le Parisien. 23.01.2017.
– Parachkeva, du camp rom de la prison à un travail d’insertion. In: La Voix du Nord. 23.01.2017.
– L’ancienne imprimerie d’Hellemmes vue du ciel. In: La Voix du Nord. 27.01.2017.
– Que sont devenues les autres familles roms évacuées? In: La Voix du Nord. 23.01.2017.
– «Ils sont allés voler parce qu’ils crèvent de faim» : direction la prison. In: La Voix du Nord. 28.01.2017.
– Deux voleurs interpellés en Allemagne à bord d’un camion d’outils volés en Loire-Atlantique. In: Breizh Info. 29.01.2017.
– Neuf cambriolages pour le couple : prison ferme. In: LKa Dépèche. 28.01.2017.
– Pickpockets dans le tramway : messages et paiement sans contact. In: Métropolitain. 24.01.2017.
– Les chiffres de la délinquance : nouveau, le « vol à la Zidane » In: Métropolitain. 26.01.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Germany Mourns Herzog

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Germany paid final respects to Roman Herzog, former President of Germany from 1994 to 1999 who was the first German official who apologised for the Nazi crimes against Rroma.
May he rest in peace!

– Germany mourns former President Herzog, who apologized for Nazi crimes. In: DW. 24.01.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Holocaust Remembrance

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Several articles in the press on the Holocaust Remembrance Day. From the pope, in Germany, and in Italy.
May they rest in peace!

– Holy See: Holocaust teaches us that vigilance is always needed. In: Radio Vatican. 27.01.2017.
– Holocaust calls us to have ‘respect for the dignity of every person’. In: The Catholic World Report. 27.01.2017.
– Die Opfer sollen nicht vergessen warden. In: RBB24. 27.01.2017.
– Il genocidio di rom e sinti durante il nazi-fascismo: una memoria rimossa. In: Radio Radicale. 27.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Berlin and Rroma

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Following the case of a shop in Neukölln that forbade Rroma entry, the Berlin Senat has decided to sing a contract with a Rroma organisation „Landesrat der Roma und Sinti, RomnoKher Berlin-Brandenburg e. V.“ with the aim of ensuring that any Rrom, regardless of origins will not be discriminated and will be given the chance to integrate. The association is directed by Dotschy Reinhardt.

– Senat will Vertrag mit Sinti und Roma. In: TaZ. 24.1.2017.!5373308/ [link-preview url=”!5373308/”]

Germany: Vigils for Rroma Holocaust Victims

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An association supporting the “stepping stones” – the little stones that remember victims of the Holocaust – has been organising vigils specifically for Rroma and Sinti.

– Mahnwache gedenkt Sinti und Roma. In: Südkurrier. 24.01.2017.;art372541,9098240 [link-preview url=”;art372541,9098240″]

Bibliography of Romani Rose

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A bibliography of Romani Rose, chairman of the Central Council of Sinti and Roma in Germany has just been published.

–ür-die-Menschenrechte-220504378360182/ [link-preview url=”ür-die-Menschenrechte-220504378360182/”]

Munich: Exhibition on Rroma Holocaust Extended

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The exhibition on Rroma Holocaust housed in the NS Documentation Centre in Munich will be extended until February 12. Worthwhile seing.

– München · Ausstellung über Sinti und Roma wird verlängert. In: München Wochen Anzeiger. 16.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Exhibition on Antitziganism in Germany

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An exhibition on the theme of “Antitziganism” in Gernany. We do dislike the term as it is a bad copy of another term, and would rather stick to simple racism …

– Ausstellung zum Antiziganismus an der BTHS. In: NH24H. 15.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Germany and Social Help

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A new proposal for the dispensation of social help in Germany requires that the applicants have worked before in Germany. This in spite of EU law. If EU citizen fail to find work, they will have some help for ca 6 weeks and then nothing.
This is a measure that is aimed at keeping Romanians and Bulgarians (Rroma in most minds) from “abusing” the system – something they anyhow don’t do. Numbers are small.

– Wer nicht arbeitet, soll gehen. In: TAZ. 11.01.2017.!5369195/ [link-preview url=”!5369195/”]

Cologne: Maybe they Can Stay

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The city council of Cologne, in Germany, is giving long term refugees the hope that they will be able to stay. Many of these are Rroma from former Yugoslavia, especially from Kosovo.
Let’s hope!

– Kölner Rat gibt langjährig Geduldeten Hoffnung auf Bleiberecht. Wenn Köln zur Heimat geworden ist. In: Dom Radio. 10.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Roman Herzog Dies

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Roman Herzog, the former president of Germany died on January 10th, 2017. He will be remembered for many things, but for Rroma, he is the first German president who, in 1997 made and official statement recognising the murder of Rroma and Sinti under the Nazi regime.
May he rest in peace.

– Former president Roman Herzog dies aged 82. In: The Local. 10.01.2017.
– Death of a Former President. In: Handelsblatt Global. 10.01.2017. [link-preview url=” “]