Category Archives: Ireland

Ireland, Slovakia, and Roma

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Ireland, Slovakia, and Roma

The person arrested for the murder of a young teacher, Ashling Murphy, is a Slovak, and apparently also Rom. This is bad. A Slovak MP, Peter Pollak, urged to refrain from collective guilt on Roma.


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A Fianna Fail candidate had to apologise for having insulted someone as “Gypsy” on his Facebook side. There are many countries where he wouldn’t have had to…

– Fianna Fáil election candidate apologises for ‘gypsy’ comment. In: The Irish Times. 20.02.2019.áil-election-candidate-apologises-for-gypsy-comment-1.3800773 [link-preview url=”áil-election-candidate-apologises-for-gypsy-comment-1.3800773″]

Roma in Northern Ireland

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A prominent Rom was arrested in Belfast on the back of the story of abuses in the attribution of social help in Northern Ireland.

– Nicolae Nicola: Prominent member of Roma community arrested. In: BBC News. 13.02.2019. [link-preview url=”″]

Ireland: Roma Program

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A new program in Ireland is aimed at helping Roma to integrate in the country.

– New Roma support programme launched in Donegal. In: Highland Radio. 09.11.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Northern Ireland – Tensions

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This is not pretty, in parallel with an increase of Roma settling in Ballymea, Northern Ireland, there is an increase of racism and animosity against Roma.

– Ballymena tensions over rise in Roma community. In: BBC. 26.10.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Ireland, Travellers, and Roma

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An analysis of the situation of Travellers and Roma in Ireland and the continuing discrimination they face.

– Perniciousness of racism and ableism in Ireland still continues. In: The Irish Times. 08.05.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Ireland and Immigration

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Support in Ireland for immigration, especially for Moslems and for Roma, is lower than the European average.

– Irish attitudes to immigration worse than European average – report. In: RTE. 29.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Extreme Poverty

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An article about malnourished Roma children in Ireland. A shame that this happens in Western Europe.

– Roma children malnourished due to ‘extreme’ poverty, report says. In: The Irish Times. 18.01.2018.
– Roma children living in ‘overcrowded houses with rats, damp and sewage’. In: The Journal. 18.01.2018.
– Roma children in Ireland ‘starving’ due to ‘relentless’ poverty. In: The Irish Times. 18.01.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Roma in Ireland

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A report on the conditions Roma are facing in Ireland currently. According to the report, up to 20% of the Roma in that country are totally outside of the state support net and live in extreme poverty and conditions.

– Report finds Roma in Ireland live in ‘extreme poverty’. In: RTE. 18.01.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Travellers and University

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Travellers’ and Roma children are 10 times less likely than the rest to attend university. This is the result of outright discrimination at every school stage.

– Research shows Traveller pupils less likely to go to university. In: Irish World. 21.07.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Ireland, Travellers and Roma

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The Irish government unveiled a plan to improve integration and reduce discrimination against Travellers and Roma in the country.

– Traveller and Roma strategy targets access to employment, health. In: The Irish Times. 14.06.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Ireland and Travellers

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An Irish genetical study recently showed that Travellers, while of Irish origins, are a separate group following several centuries of de-facto separation.
And very shortly thereafter, the Taoiseach (Prime Minister) and the Dail (Parliament) recognise them as an ethnic group.

P.S. Switzerland please take heed… After 600 years in the country, Rroma are still not recognised as a minority.

– ‘He walks with his head down. No more’ – Taoiseach recognises Traveller ethnicity in the Dáil. In: The Journal. 01.03.2017. [link-preview url=””]