Category Archives: Italy

Italy: Raid

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A police raid in a Roma camp in Rome shows how Italy is choosing to deal with them: blanket controls, on the assumption that they are all criminals. This time, the results were meagre, one person under expulsion order and one car without insurance… This after controlling 352 people and 88 cars.

Italy, the Far-Right, and Roma

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A candidate from the Lega in Florence, Alessio di Giulio, produced a video showing a Romni and saying, “vote for me to never see her again”.

There have been numerous reactions, but let’s not forget that a large part of the population unfortunately probably agrees with him. That is scary. In any case, it shows the inherent racism of the Italian far-right.

Football Racists

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As usual, another racist even in Football. This time, AC Roma has been fined €15,000 for offensive chants by tis supporter against Dusan Vlahovic. The Roma fans were chanting: “Vlahovic, you are a gypsy.”

International Romnja Congress

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The University of Southern Patagonia of Argentina – UNPA which has been involved for years in spreading the Romani culture and above all it deals with the condition of women Romani women is organising an International Congress of Romani Women from the 17th to the 19th of August.

In addition to Argentina, Romani women from Brazil, the USA, Spain, Romania, Ukraine, Italy will attend. For Italy, Giulia Di Rocco has been called for the second time to take part and will talk about the situation of Romani women between discrimination and struggles for gender equality.

Training in Rome

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Training in Rome

End of June or at the beginning of July, youth workers from the Society for the Development of Voluntary Work Novo mesto Anisa, Enja, Teo and Tina were in a hurry in Rome, where they took part in the Erasmus+ project Stop Antigypsysim. Together with participants from Serbia, Croatia, Italy, Bulgaria and Montenegro, they discussed the Roma issue, the situation of Roma in the participating countries, and also had the opportunity to get to know Rome, the Vatican and the beach in Ostia.


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Or how a case of one mafiosi Roma family, long already in jail, continues to make the headlines. This is bad, as effectively, it is a single case, and is not representative.

Pavia, the Church, and Sinti

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Pavia, the Church, and Sinti

Quite out of the ordinary: “Sinti and Roma cannot be moved as if they were numbers; a path of integration is needed”. A heartfelt appeal that came last night from the bishop, Monsignor Corrado Sanguineti, during Vespers for the Holy Thorns. He was referring to the potential closure of a camp.

Italy and Roma

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Italy and Roma

The mayor of Gallarate, a town not far from Milan was brought to court by Roma families who accuse him of defamation, as he openly said they were a bunch of thieves. It is part of a longer battle between the mayor and the Roma, as the mayor tried to evict them, and was forced to restore services he had cut off by a court in Milan.

Review of the Biennale

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Review of the Biennale

Poland is represented this year by the exhibition “Charming the world” by Małgorzata Mirga-Tas. How was it created? And will it be possible to see it in Poland?

Roma culture is strongly associated with dance and music, but seldom with visual arts. This changes slowly, among others thanks to Małgorzata Mirga-Tas, who now represents Poland at the Venice Biennale – the most important event of this type in the world.

The artist is a Romni and has devoted all her work to date to the fight to change the historical narrative of the Roma community. Both the romantic one, showing the Roma people as free, dealing mainly with music and wandering around the world, and the ominous one – ascribing to them a tendency to cheat and trick others. She does it in an artistically original, intriguing and, above all, convincing way. – I don’t want to fight the whole world, naively thinking that it will suddenly change everything.

Venice Biennale

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Venice Biennale

A project by the Polish-Romani artist Małgorzata Mirga-Tas was inaugurated in the Polish pavilion at the 59th Venice Biennale. For the first time in the over 120-year history of the Biennale, the national pavilion is represented by a Roma artist. The pavilion opening ceremony was attended by: Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage Wanda Zwinogrodzka, director of the Adam Mickiewicz Institute Barbara Schabowska and director of Zachęta Janusz Janowski.

Venice Biennale

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Venice Biennale

The art of Małgorzata Mirga-Tas is an attempt or a tool to unlearn thinking that lead to the current war, say Joanna Warsza and Wojciech Szymański, curators of the exhibition “Przeczarowanie świat”, which will be shown at the Polish Pavilion in Venice as part of the Art Biennale 2022.

Rome and Roma

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Rome and Roma

The city of Rome is reassessing and rearranging its department responsible for running the Roma camps in the capital. Well, not sure this will change anything, as the situation has not evolved in at least 30 years …

Rome and Roma

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Rome and Roma

Seems that the old plans of former mayor Raggi to close camps and relocate them are still being enforced. It also seems that the money is totally wasted, not helping relocating Roma.

Unfortunately not surprising.

Casamonica, Again!

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Casamonica, Again!

Another article on the villas of the Roma Mafia Clan of Casamonica.

Knowing that all the members of the clan are in jail, and have been so for several years, and knowing that these villas and their pictures have been shown numerous times since, one cannot but wonder what the purpose of such articles is.