Children’s Movie

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The television children movie called “Nellie’s Adventures” in the German TV is getting a lot of critique for its representation of Sinti and Roma, which, to say the least are presented in a stereotypical fashion: They are petty criminals, con men, or beggars.
The Central Council of Sinti and Roma calls it racist and they are right.

– Ist der SWR-Film „Nellys Abenteuer“ rassistisch? In: Stuttgarter Zeitung. 08.11.2017.
– Zentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma empört über “Nellys Abenteuer” IN: Rhein Neckar Zeitung. 08.11.2017.,-nellys-ausflug-ins-klischee-zentralrat-deutscher-sinti-und-roma-empoert-ueber-nellys-abenteuer-_arid,314765.html [link-preview url=”,-nellys-ausflug-ins-klischee-zentralrat-deutscher-sinti-und-roma-empoert-ueber-nellys-abenteuer-_arid,314765.html”]

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