Czech President: Really????

The Czech President Miloš Zeman, in an interview broadcasted on Cable TV in the Czech Republic stated that 90% of “inadaptable citizen” are Roma and only10% are white.

The Full quote is: “It is probably true that 90 percent of them are Roma. Nevertheless, there may also be 10 percent of white lazybones and we have to approach both [groups] equally. Only if we discriminated against either of the two groups, either positively or negatively, it would amount to human rights violation,”

Not sure how Mr. Zeman arrived at his numbers, but he certainly has preconceived views of the world. Shame on him. Activists are protesting and calling for people not to re-elect Zeman in the January 2018 elections.

– Czech President says 90 % of “inadaptable citizens” are Romani. In: Romea. 13.11.2017.
– Roma reps condemn Zeman’s words, warn of his re-election. In: The Prague Monitor. 13.11.2017.
– Civil society members of Czech Govt Roma Council call on voters not to re-elect Zeman. In: Romea. 13.11.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

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