About seventy protesters, around fifty of them Roma, gathered in front of the Government Office for a demonstration called by David Mezei, a very controversial Romano leade. The participants expressed their disapproval of the current government and the presence of Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic. In addition to Mezei, the speakers also included Miroslav Tancoš, the chairman of the Roma Democratic Party, which has suspended its activities, and Denis Novák from the Round Table Alliance.
It is sad to see that some Roma are playing into the hands of extremists following the two attacks in the Czech Republic.
- Asi 70 lidí se sešlo na demonstraci Davida Mezeie před Úřadem vlády. Nesuďte Romy podle extremisty Mezeie, vzkázal po demonstraci majoritě Jaroslav Miko. In: Romea. 12.07.2023. https://romea.cz/cz/domaci/asi-70-lidi-se-seslo-na-demonstraci-davida-mezeie-pred-uradem-vlady-nesudte-romy-podle-extremisty-mezeie-vzkazal-po-demonstraci-majorite-jaroslav-miko