Desegregation in Slovakia


A new inclusive kindergarten was opened in Spišské Tomášovce in the district of Spišská Nová Ves on Thursday. 70 children are enrolled in it, of which 33 are from the Roma community. TASR was informed about this by Michaela Kotradyová from the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Government for Roma Communities.

The representative of the Slovak government for Roma communities, Ján Hero, attended the opening, who pointed out that the first three years of life are the most decisive for how children will do in kindergarten and how they will be able to apply themselves later in life. “That’s when the fastest brain development takes place. Intervention during this period is therefore crucial. I am very happy that this work was successful and I am grateful that it adheres to the principles of destigmatisation, desegregation, deghettoization,” he declared.

  • V Spišských Tomášovciach otvorili novú inkluzívnu materskú školu. In: Tearz. 31.08.2023.