Evictions in Italy

The Italian government is evicting migrants and Roma, with hundreds of them put on the street. This is not a good thing.

– Hundreds of Refugees, Roma Homeless in Italian Eviction Drive. In: VOA News. 14.11.2018. https://www.voanews.com/a/hundreds-of-refugees-and-roma-homeless-in-italian-eviction-drive/4658830.html
– Hundreds of refugees and Roma homeless in Italian eviction drive. In: Relief Web. 14.11.2018. https://reliefweb.int/report/italy/hundreds-refugees-and-roma-homeless-italian-eviction-drive [link-preview url=”https://www.voanews.com/a/hundreds-of-refugees-and-roma-homeless-in-italian-eviction-drive/4658830.html “]

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