Exhibition in Brno

The Roma museum in Brno opened an exhibition of the works of Anrej Pešta, a photographer who documented the Roma live in Czechoslovakia in the 1960-80s.

– Andrej Pešta: Mire sveti / Světy Andreje Pešty. In: ArtMap. 22.03.2018. http://www.artmap.cz/en/andrej-pesta-mire-sveti-svety-andreje-pesty
– Andrej Pešta: Mire sveti / Světy Andreje Pešty. In: Go To Brno. https://www.gotobrno.cz/akce/andrej-pesta-mire-sveti-svety-andreje-pesty/
– Brno Museum displays Roma photographer’s unique works. In: The Prague Daily Monitor. 26.03.2018. http://www.praguemonitor.com/2018/03/26/brno-museum-displays-roma-photographers-unique-works [link-preview url=”https://www.gotobrno.cz/akce/andrej-pesta-mire-sveti-svety-andreje-pesty/ “]

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