The real news this week is that there is almost no news on Roma in France this week …
First, an article about the origins of the word Rom – and a total fallacy that it stems from “Rama” the Indian God. The article showcases two exhibitions in Paris, one of Ceija Stojka and one of photographs for Roma since 1860. Another article calls for solidarity with Roma (yes). Then, the more usual articles on camps – this time about a illegal dump said to have originated with Roma.
– Ni bohémien, ni gitan : la fabrique du mot “Rom”. In: France Culture. 25.03.2018.
– Solidarité Rroms. In: RCF. 26.05.2018.
– Yvelines : une chaîne humaine pour dénoncer la « mer de déchets ». In: Le Parisien. 31.03.2018.
– Carrières-sous-Poissy : mobilisation pour la plaine envahie de déchets. In: Le Parisien. 30.03.2018. [link-preview url=” “]