French Chronicle …


Not much on Roma this week in France. A socialist mayor of the North of France is calling for a manifestation to protest the illegal camps of Travellers (Mostly Roma – French Manouches, Lovara and Kalderaša). In Marseilles, the president of the largest soccer club invites 20 Roma children to watch a soccer game. Near Marseilles, the presentation of a book on Roma and their integration will take place on the 24th of May. Another article on the controversial exhibition in Paris – full of praise thereof, unfortunately. Finally, yet another camp is going to be closed.

– Face aux installations de gens du voyage, le gros coup de gueule de Roger Vicot. In: La Voix du Nord. 13.05.2018.
– Face aux installations de gens du voyage, le gros coup de gueule de Roger Vicot. In: Nord Éclair. 13.05.2018.
– Soutien de l’École au présent, Jacques-Henri Eyraud invite vingt enfants roms au Vélodrome. In: Marsactu. 11.05.2018.
– Familles roms, le choix de l’accueil. In: Mille Sabords.
– Expo photos : sur la route avec les gitans. In: Grazia. 13.05.2018.
– Prévessin-Moëns: le camp sauvage de Roms sera expulse. In: Le Pays Gessiens. 10.05.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

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