French Chronicle


Few news again in France this week. Whenever there are hot news, Rroma fall back. Actually they should stay back, as what is reported in the press is no news, just prejudices.

This week, a child died in a Rroma camp in the North of France; a fire raged through a Rroma camp in Paris; the arrival of Rroma travelers near Paris is seen as a threat by some; in Marseilles, a Rroma camp is a hot topic, and near Paris, 10 tons of garbage have been collected near sites where Rroma were. Them, there is crime … A young Rrom sexually aggressed his sister in law in the North, and near Grenoble, Rroma were caught emptying the tank of a truck.

Finally, some solidarity! An association in the South helps refugees and Rroma; in the North, an old priest and activist also does so, and in the North too, youngsters start an action to sensitize the population.

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