First an article with maybe good intentions but which labels Roma as nomads, and in the usual French way mixes Gitans, Manouches, Roma, etc. In brief, the usual French confusion. Time they should learn. Then, the more usual: In Bordeaux, Roma from a camp are being re-lodged (an exception) into decent buildings. Finally, In Montpellier, a festival “Migrant’scène” will showcase the documentary about he rumours in France that Roam were stealing children. A must see.
- Gens du voyage, “Gens du surplace”. In: NR Pyrennées. 25.11.2023.
- Après le squat, ces familles roms débutent “une nouvelle vie” dans des mobil-homes : “C’est un rêve !”. In: Frane Live. 24.11.2023.
- Montpellier : avec “Migrant’scène”, la CIMADE porte la solidarité en étendard. In: Le Poing. 20.11.2023.