French Chronicle …

This week is quieter than the normal in France on Rroma. Close to Paris, in Pierefitte, the residents ask for the closure of a camp; in the Corbeil-Essonnes, also close to Paris, Rroma who were left of the street following the fire of their squat have found a place to stay; in Ervry-Grégy sur Yerres, the clean-up of a former Rroma camp will cost 360’000 Euro, here one has to say that often, non Rroma take the opportunity to dump their garbage in such situations; in Montreuil, the mayor and administration is going a long way to try to eliminate all traces of the presence of Rroma – Rroma who are still on the street.
In other parts of France, in the North, an association is promoting fraternity with Rroma; in the North still, a camp was evicted but the Rroma relocated themselves nearby; in Nantes, 80 voluntaries helped cleaning up the garbage left after the eviction of two Rroma camps; and near Toulouse, a mayor is asking for the closure of a camp.
In Nearby Belgium, a camp was closed and here, o wonder, its residents were lodged by the social services …

– Pierrefitte : les habitants réclament l’évacuation du camp de Roms. In: Le Parisien. 28.11.2016.
– Corbeil-Essonnes : les Roms sinistrés ont été relogés. In: Le Parisien. 27.11.2016.
– Evry-Grégy-sur-Yerres : le nettoyage du camp rom évacué coûtera 360 000 €. In: Le Parisien. 28.11.2016.
– Familles roms expulsées à Montreuil: un dispositif d’élimination. In: Mediapart. 01.12.2016.
– Migrants, réfugiés, roms: une association valenciennoise promeut la fraternité. In: La Voix du Nord. 02.12.2016.
– Expulsé, le camp de Roms déménage 10 mètres plus loin. In: La Voix du Nord. 27.11.2016.
– 80 bénévoles pour nettoyer deux anciens camps de roms à Nantes. In: RCA. 28.11.2016.
– Le maire veut «évacuer le camp illégal» de Ginestous. In: La Dépèche. 01.12.2016.
– Expulsion du camp de Roms au parc de la Ligne 28: les familles relogées par le Samusocial. In: SudInfor (BE). 02.12.2016.

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