French Chronicle …

More camps being closed in the Lille region, following the accusations of aggressions by Rroma youngsters, with one camps dismantled in Lille Hellemes; and a collective is asking the Mayor of Lille whether he wants to “clean up” the town of Rroma (Martine Aubry is the socialist mayor of Lille); then a new trend – garbage – with two articles, one on Rroma helping cleaning out their camp, the other stating that tons of garbage were left by Rroma – both are an old story used to justify eviction; some news in the West on the Holocaust; and finally, some better news in Montpellier, with an association calling for the end of stigmatisation of Rroma, and with a mediation being put in place to allow children to attend school.

– Lille-Hellemmes : un camp rom évacué ce mercredi. In: FR3 Hauts-de-France. 08.03.2017.
– Le camp rom de l’ex-imprimerie H2D démantelé. In: La Voix du Nord. 08.03.2017.
– « Voulez-vous faire table rase ou construire ? », demande le collectif Roms à Martine Aubry. In: La Voix du Nord. 09.03.2017.
– Champs-sur-Marne. Les Roms participent au nettoyage de leur camp. In: Le Parisien. 10.03.2017.
– Courdimanche : après le départ des Roms, des tonnes de déchets à évacuer. In: Le Parisien. 07.03.2017.
– Semaine de la Mémoire à Coutances. Le destin tragique des Roms. In: Ouest France. 05.03.2017.
– La mission des associations de Montpellier : ne plus stigmatiser les Roms. In: Midi Libre. 11.03.2017.,1477177.php
Montpellier : une médiation mise en place pour scolariser les enfants roms. In: Midi Libre. 12.03.2017.,1477445.php [link-preview url=” “]

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