French Chronicle …

Not that many news in France this week (that is besides the Front National statement on Rroma)… A police affair in Montpellier where two persons were detained and beaten by Rroma after they came to their camp to gather scrap metal, which was followed by the arrest of four Rroma and their prompt liberation as they were not the ones who detained the others. Bad. And then, in Bondy, near Paris, the mayor is facing citizen who want the Rroma out; in Villeurbane, near Lyon, a camp was destroyed by fire, leaving more than 100 people on the street; in Montpellier, associations are asking for a stop of stigmatisation of the Rroma; and finally, in the North, a squat in Lille is still making the headlines – all following the aggressions there.

– Montpellier : double séquestration dans un campement de Roms. In: Metropolitain. 16.03.2017.
– Séquestration à Montpellier : les « suspects » libérés. In: Metropolitain. 18.03.2017.
– Bondy : la maire rencontre les habitants excédés par le campement rom. In: Le Parisien. 17.03.2017.
– Leur squat incendié, plus de 100 Roms et Albanais à la rue. In: Le Progrès. 15.03.2017.
– Villeurbanne : 150 Roms à la rue après l’incendie d’un entrepôt. In: Lyon capitale. 14.03.2017.
– La mission des associations de Montpellier : ne plus stigmatiser les Roms. In: Midi Libre. 10.03.2017.,1477177.php
– La friche H2D est toujours un gruyère d’où les Roms entrent et sortent. In: La Voix du Nord. 13.03.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

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