French Chronicle …

Very few news this week on France and Roma. In the North of France, neighbours of a Roma camp are fed up with the situation and are asking for the closure of the camp; also in the North, one squat has been closed down; while near Paris, a camp will be shut down shortly; and finally near Nantes in Western France, an association is looking for caravans to relocate Roma (who probably never lived in caravans in the first place).

– Camps Roms : une situation de moins en moins tenable pour les riverains. In: La Voix du Nord. 21.07.2017.
– Le squat rom de la rue Nain évacué ce mardi matin. In: Nord Éclair. 18.07.2017.
– Bidonville rom de Triel-sur-Seine, avis d’expulsion imminente. In: La Vie. 21.07.2017.
– Rezé : à la recherche de caravanes pour reloger une trentaine de familles Roms. In: France Bleu. 20.07.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

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