A German citizen (handicapped) has been condemned in Germany for incitation to racial hatred for having published comments stating “when will further Gypsy cars burn” and a few others on his webpage …
- Wätzol, Jan. Der Hetzer im Rollstuhl vor Gericht. In: Bild. 17.12.2015. http://www.bild.de/regional/leipzig/rechtsextremismus/hetzer-im-rollstuhl-vor-gericht-43830188.bild.html
- Godazgar, Peter. Geldstrafe für Online-Pöbelei. In: Mitteldeuschte Zeitung. 16.12.2015. http://www.mz-web.de/halle-saalekreis/hetze-gegen-sinti-und-roma-geldstrafe-fuer-online-poebelei,20640778,32941002.html