A former bricklayer helps Roma children get to a better school. László was only three days old when his parents abandoned him and he was placed in a foster home. The Roma boy then learned the most important thing: to stand up for himself, and later for others. His hard work and perseverance eventually took the former mason to amazing heights, working in the European Commission.
- Egykori kőműves segíti a cigány gyerekeket jobb iskolába – László útja a nevelőotthonból az Európai Bizottságig. In: NLC. 21.12.2022. https://nlc.hu/ezvan/20221221/egykori-komuves-segiti-a-cigany-gyerekeket-jobb-iskolaba-laszlo-utja-a-nevelootthonbol-az-europai-bizottsagig/