A court ordered the arrest of János Agócs, the president of the Roma Self Government who is suspected of official bribery. According to the prosecution, he sold his position for HUF 30 million. The Roma leader was caught with a lot of cash, but denies any crime. The decision is not legally binding for the time being, but the coercive measure against János Agócs – for which the prosecutor’s office made a motion – can be implemented immediately, that is, the Roma leader, who has been in custody until now, will be arrested. The reason for the decision was the risk of recidivism and the fact that if the suspect is released, he may attempt to thwart the investigation.
Bad for everyone …
- Egy hónapra előzetes letartóztatásba kerül az Országos Roma Önkormányzat korrupcióval gyanúsított elnöke. In: 444. 02.09.2022. https://444.hu/2022/09/02/egy-honapra-elozetes-letartoztatasba-kerul-az-orszagos-roma-onkormanyzat-korrupcioval-gyanusitott-elnoke
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