Jasenovac: Compensation?

Relative of the victims of Jasenovac, mostly Jews and Rroma as well as Serbs, are asking for a compensation from the Croatian state. The Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that in recent days it received a lawsuit of the relatives of Croatian Serbs, Roma and Jews for the return of confiscated property and for the repayment of the suffering during the Independent State of Croatia (NDH).
Serves the Croatian well for rehabilitating several of the perpetuators of these crimes.

– Svojci žrtev ustaškega režima od Hrvaške zahtevajo odškodnino. In: Planet. 13.03.2017. http://www.planet.si/novice/svet/svojci-zrtev-ustaskega-rezima-od-hrvaske-zahtevajo-35-milijona-dolarjev-odskodnine.html

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