Košice: Trial

The trial of two Roma who were beaten up in a police action in Molova nad Bodvou has opened. They are accused of making false accusations against the police.
This is a SHAME on Slovakia.

– Na súde pokračuje kauza údajne krivých výpovedí moldavských Rómov. In: Korzar. 26.01.2019. https://kosice.korzar.sme.sk/c/22038759/na-sude-pokracuje-kauza-udajne-krivych-vypovedi-moldavskych-romov.html [link-preview url=”https://kosice.korzar.sme.sk/c/22038759/na-sude-pokracuje-kauza-udajne-krivych-vypovedi-moldavskych-romov.html”]

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