Minors Weddings

An article about arranged marriages of minors among Roma in Montenegro. Again, the tradition of a group of Roma (Vlach) is generalised to all Roma – something that is not the case. Here, organisations actually say that this is human trafficking. It is bad for all.

– MONTÉNÉGRO : LES MARIAGES ARRANGÉS DES MINEUR.E.S ROMS, UNE TRADITION HORS-LA-LOI. In: Le Courrier des Balkans. 20.04.2018. https://www.courrierdesbalkans.fr/Montenegro-les-mariages-arranges-des-mineur-e-s-roms-une-tradition-hors-la-loi [link-preview url=”https://www.courrierdesbalkans.fr/Montenegro-les-mariages-arranges-des-mineur-e-s-roms-une-tradition-hors-la-loi”]

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