A new study Ludwig-Maximilians University on feelings towards different ethnic and cultural groups shows clearly that Moslems are negatively felt – 18% strongly so, 31% somewhat, and 38% have a low negative view on them. In brief, only 12% of the people in the study had nothing against Moslems … One in ten!!!
And Rroma? 30% of the people have a negative view of them. They are barely better than refugees with 28% and Jews with 18%.
– LMU-Studie: 9 von 10 Münchnern haben was gegen Muslime. In: Abendzeitung. 08.05.2017. http://www.abendzeitung-muenchen.de/inhalt.gruppenbezogene-menschenfeindlichkeit-lmu-studie-9-von-10-muenchnern-haben-was-gegen-muslime.ce7946e3-d1f2-44f6-9ca4-a59cff1afee2.html [link-preview url=”http://www.abendzeitung-muenchen.de/inhalt.gruppenbezogene-menschenfeindlichkeit-lmu-studie-9-von-10-muenchnern-haben-was-gegen-muslime.ce7946e3-d1f2-44f6-9ca4-a59cff1afee2.html”]