A First

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Congratulation to the first Irish traveller to obtain a PhD. – Traveller is first from community in Ireland to receive PhD. In: BBC News. 15.01.2019. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-46883557?fbclid=IwAR051WAZJgOIlU9wv6nyxUtE2luM1xZJMPrz5sGXpRQiMXuVRieVRjzXB1Q [link-preview url=”https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-46883557?fbclid=IwAR051WAZJgOIlU9wv6nyxUtE2luM1xZJMPrz5sGXpRQiMXuVRieVRjzXB1Q”]…

Slovakia, Work, and Roma

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Slovakia, Work, and Roma

…employing Roma. But is also says that “some Roma simply do not want to work”. Bad. Naša spoločnosť neurobila veľké pokroky. Pracujúcich Rómov je stále málo. In: TA3. 01.04.2023. https://www.ta3.com/clanok/262857/nasa-spolocnost-neurobila-veke-pokroky-pracujucich-romov-je-stale-malo…

Womex in Budapest features Rroma on Centre Stage

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Womex in Budapest features Rroma on Centre Stage

…http://musicinafrica.net/womex-gets-underway-hungary Roma Music Celebrated at WOMEX 2015 Opening in Budapest. In: World Music Central. 21.10.2015. http://worldmusiccentral.org/2015/10/21/roma-music-celebrated-at-womex-2015-opening-in-budapest/ Feature: World Music Expo opens with Gypsy HeartBeats concert. In: Shanghai Daily. 22.10.2015. http://www.shanghaidaily.com/article/article_xinhua.aspx?id=306223…

France: Case against Valls

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…Valls in the European court of Human Rights. Valls, the former French Premier Minister and candidate for the French presidency made several racist comments against Rroma. – https://www.facebook.com/La.voix.des.Rroms/posts/1815777338679898 [link-preview url=”https://www.facebook.com/La.voix.des.Rroms/posts/1815777338679898″]…

Pikey …

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…a controversy following his use of the term “Pikey” on a show. – Orlando Bloom explains use of ‘pikey’ term on Radio 1. In: BBC News. 27.04.2017. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-kent-39726655 [link-preview url=”http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-kent-39726655″]…

Le Pen – Condemned

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Le Pen – Condemned

Nice overview of the condemnation and statements of Jean-Marie le Pen in France … Chambres à gaz et Roms : deux condamnations pour Jean-Marie Le Pen. In: L’Obs. 06.04.2016. http://tempsreel.nouvelobs.com/politique/20160406.OBS7992/chambres-a-gaz-et-roms-deux-condamnations-pour-jean-marie-le-pen.html…

Fox News – No Doubts

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…nice stereotypes that one can expect from such a “news” outlet. – FOX NEWS STAR TUCKER CARLSON FACES ACCUSATIONS OF ‘WHITE NATIONALISM’ FROM LEFT. In: Newsweek. 26.01.2018. http://www.newsweek.com/fox-news-tucker-carlson-accusations-white-nationalism-791397 [link-preview url=”http://www.newsweek.com/fox-news-tucker-carlson-accusations-white-nationalism-791397″]…

Bulgarian Elections and Roma

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Bulgarian Elections and Roma

…protocols of the sectional election commissions. That Roma favour GERB is somewhat surprising, as they are not specially kind to them. Малобройният ромски вот фаворизира ГЕРБ. In: Sega. 04.10.2022. https://segabg.com/hot/category-bulgaria/malobroyniyat-romski-vot-favorizira-gerb…

Bulgaria: Demolition

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Bulgaria: Demolition

…basis for the demolition in court. About 200 buildings have been removed in recent years. This is bad. Традиционният сезон за събаряне на ромски гета започна. In: Sega. 08.03.2023. https://www.segabg.com/hot/category-izbori-2023/tradicionniyat-sezon-za-subaryane-na-romski-geta-zapochna…

USA: Racism

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USA: Racism

…“No Gypsy women in long shoplifting skirts allowed in the store.” A. County gas station signs banned Romani women. Community lashes back over racism. In: Los Angeles Times. 25.09.2023. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-09-25/gas-station-bans-romani-women-rowland-heights-california-chevron…

29.11.2013 Manuel Valls and French Rroma Policies

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…Valls calme le jeu. In: L’express online vom 28.11.2013. http://www.lexpress.fr/actualite/politique/valls-et-les-roms-il-y-a-bien-sur-des-familles-roumaines-qui-ont-de-vrais-projets-d-integration_1303507.html Rubin, Alissa J. (2013) Mystery of Missing Mushrooms Leaves French Blaming Roma. In: New York Times online vom 27.11.2013. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/28/world/europe/mystery-of-missing-mushrooms-leaves-french-blaming-roma.html?pagewanted=…

The Auschwitz Painter

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…are know to have survived the war. – In Auschwitz, she was forced to paint. Now her family wants her art returned. In: The Jewish News. 15.08.2017. https://www.jweekly.com/2017/08/15/auschwitz-forced-paint-now-family-wants-art-returned/ [link-preview url=”https://www.jweekly.com/2017/08/15/auschwitz-forced-paint-now-family-wants-art-returned/”]…

Fox News – No Doubts

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…nice stereotypes that one can expect from such a “news” outlet. – FOX NEWS STAR TUCKER CARLSON FACES ACCUSATIONS OF ‘WHITE NATIONALISM’ FROM LEFT. In: Newsweek. 26.01.2018. http://www.newsweek.com/fox-news-tucker-carlson-accusations-white-nationalism-791397 [link-preview url=”http://www.newsweek.com/fox-news-tucker-carlson-accusations-white-nationalism-791397″]…

Ušti nad Labem

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…alternative lodging have bene provided so far. – 230 TSCHECHISCHEN ROMA STEHT RÄUMUNG BEVOR. GRUPPE GEGEN ANTIROMAISMUS RUFT ZUR UNTERSTÜTZUNG AUF. In: Roma Anti Discrimination Network. 31.05.2018. http://ran.eu.com/230-tschechischen-roma-steht-raumung-bevor-gruppe-gegen-antiromaismus-ruft-zur-unterstutzung-auf/ [link-preview url=”http://ran.eu.com/230-tschechischen-roma-steht-raumung-bevor-gruppe-gegen-antiromaismus-ruft-zur-unterstutzung-auf/”]…

Novi Sad Roma Ball

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Novi Sad Roma Ball

…sent to help families in the Bangladesh settlement whose houses were destroyed by fire. Romski bal 28. maja u Novom Sadu, uz humanitarno veče. In: Moj Novi Sad. 22.05.2024. https://www.mojnovisad.com/vesti/romski-bal-28.-maja-u-novom-sadu-uz-humanitarno-vece-id62112.html…

We Knew It

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We Knew It

…Mind you, if you speak Rromanes, you don’t necessarily need a study to find this out … Genographic Scientists Trace the Origins of Europe’s Gypsies. In: National Geographic. 23.10.2015. http://voices.nationalgeographic.com/2015/10/23/genographic-scientists-trace-the-origins-of-europes-gypsies/…
