Poland: A Case of Prejudice?

The mayor of a small city in Poland received an enquiry from the Ombudsmann over his city’s reluctance to settle a family of Rroma in the commune. According to the Ombudsman, this could definitively be deemed to be racial prejudice. And clearly, people in that twon do not want any Rroma as neighbours.

– Kamionna, Czchów. Wójt musi się tłumaczyć z niechęci do Romów. In: Dziennik. 22.10.2016. http://www.dziennikpolski24.pl/region/a/kamionna-czchow-wojt-musi-sie-tlumaczyc-z-niecheci-do-romow,10767504/ [link-preview url=”http://www.dziennikpolski24.pl/region/a/kamionna-czchow-wojt-musi-sie-tlumaczyc-z-niecheci-do-romow,10767504/”]

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