Poland: In Court

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IsAmUxPompa is one of the most popular Polish youtubers. His channel is watched by nearly 1.8 million people. While most of the films have to do with games, he has also uploaded films with definitively racist content and the prosecutor’s office is accusing him of insulting a group of Roma origin. Initially, the defence of Szymon K. even applied for conditional dismissal of the case, which the court ultimately did not agree to. He is now to be judged.
Let’s hope also condemned – which is far from certain in Poland nowadays.

– Znany polski Youtuber przed sądem. Ten proces przejdzie do historii. In: Inn Poland. 25.04.2018. http://innpoland.pl/142987,youtuber-isamuxpompa-przed-sadem-za-obrazanie-romow-i-nienawisc-w-filmach
– Youtuber znieważył i obraził Romów? Ruszył jego proces. On sam nie pojawił się w sądzie. In: Głoswielkopolski. 25.04.2018. http://www.gloswielkopolski.pl/kryminalna-wielkopolska/a/youtuber-zniewazyl-i-obrazil-romow-ruszyl-jego-proces-on-sam-nie-pojawil-sie-w-sadzie,13124358/

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