Poland: Relocation and Judgement

A case where the mayor of Limanowa, a Polish town purchased a house in another town for the Roma living in the centre of his city has had another round in court. The purchase and relocation was declared invalid, and the mayor of Limanowa did a recourse. This one was thrown out of court.

– NSA oddaliło skargę kasacyjną – uchwała dotycząca kupna domu dla Romów w Czchowie nieważna. In: Limanowa. 07.12.2018. https://limanowa.in/aktualnosci/nsa-oddalilo-skarge-kasacyjna-uchwala-dotyczaca-kupna-domu-dla-romow-w-czchowie-niewazna/43625 [link-preview url=”https://limanowa.in/aktualnosci/nsa-oddalilo-skarge-kasacyjna-uchwala-dotyczaca-kupna-domu-dla-romow-w-czchowie-niewazna/43625″]

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