Rome – No More Camps – Not!!!

In spite of promises from the municipality and its Five Stars Mayor, Rome is ready to open a new Rroma camp on its outskirts “as a temporary measure” …
On March 7th, the Welfare Department has approved a measure aimed at identifying a new “picnic area” (SIC!) intended to “welcome and provide a staying possibility for 120 Roma families “, with a “service management”. In practice it is a new settlement to replace the current “Camping River”, in which there are 420 people, for which management services will expire on June 30 of this year.

– Roma, dal comune ok a un nuovo campo rom. Campidoglio: “Misure temporanee. Obiettivo è superare i villaggi”. In: Il Fatto Quotidiano. 13.03.2017.
– Roma, il Campidoglio dà l’ok a un nuovo campo Rom per 400 persone. In: ForexInfo. 13.03.2017.

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