907 Mio EUR have been secured from the next period of the integration of Roma in Slovakia. The money will contribute to improving the situation of marginalized Roma communities (MRK). The changes also strengthened the position of the plenipotentiary office, as well as the centralization of the entire agenda, which should lead to a more efficient use of funds. Slovak Government Plenipotentiary for Roma communities, Ján Hero, stated this in response to Wednesday’s (May 10) press conference of the member of the Slovak National Council for SaS Vladimír Ledecký, who criticized the state’s current actions in the area of MRK inclusion.
- Hero: Zlepšiť situáciu Rómov pomôže historicky najvyššia alokácia. In: Teraz. 11.05.2023. https://www.teraz.sk/slovensko/hero-zlepsit-situaciu-romov-pomoz/713476-clanok.html