A congress of young Roma was held in Bratislava from Friday, April 8th, to Sunday. It was attended by 40 young people from Roma communities from all over Slovakia, who want to contribute to the positive changes concerning the life of Roma and coexistence with other inhabitants of Slovakia.
- V Bratislave sa konal kongres mladých Rómov, výsledkom je deklarácia. In: actuality. 10.04.2022. https://www.aktuality.sk/clanok/TX0d8Gx/v-bratislave-sa-konal-kongres-4FhktkqTURBXy8zNGExZGRlNTY4YTY3ODdmNGIyYmI0ZDMxNjhmNjQ5Zi5qcGVnkpUDAMy9zReAzQ04lQLNB9AAwsM-romov-vysledkom-je-deklaracia/
- V Bratislave sa konal kongres mladých Rómov.In: Teraz. 10.04.2022. https://www.teraz.sk/spravy/v-bratislave-sa-konal-kongres-mladych-r/625769-clanok.html