Klaudio Virág (27), a resident of the city of Levič, tried to get a job at the Slovak Power Plants in Mochovce as a locksmith. He claims that in a phone call, the job broker told him that they didn’t want Roma people in Mochovce, allegedly because of bad experiences.
- Klaudio (27) si hľadal prácu, no uzemnili ho: Otvorene mi povedali, že “čiernych” nechcú, tvrdí. In: Pluska. 09.12.2024. https://www1.pluska.sk/regiony/klaudio-27-si-hladal-pracu-no-uzemnili-ho-otvorene-mi-povedali-ze-ciernych-nechcu-tvrdi?itm_modul=timeline&itm_brand=plus1&itm_template=hp&itm_position=2&itm_cb_position=mid_main_5