Slovakia: Fire and Deaths

Four Romani girls and their mothers died in a fire of their house in Richnava in Eastern Slovakia. The police is investigating the cause of the fire as well as investigating racist comments on their own Facebook page following the fire.

– Pri tragickom požiari v Richnave zahynula matka a jej štyri deti (video). In: SME. 30.11.2018.
– Slovakia: Four Romani girls and their mother die in house fire, police investigate racist comments about the news on their own Facebook page. In: Romea. 02.12.2018.
– Slovakia house fire kills 4 children, 1 adult. In: Texomas. 30.11.2018.
– Foto: Štyri deti zahynuli pri požiari v obci Richnava, hasiči likvidovali oheň niekoľko hodín. In: Webnoviny. 30.11.2018.
– Pri požiaru v osade v obci Richnava zahynuli štyri deti. In: Dennik Postoj. 30.11.2018.

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