Slovakia, Roma, and the Press

In the media, Roma are mostly depicted as a problem and as criminals. They are the most negatively represented group in Slovakia. Majority views sees them as a threat. These are just a few conclusions resulting from the Strategy for Mitigating Stereotypes and Prejudices against the Roma Population, prepared for the Interior Ministry.
This is also shown, by the research carried out by Romano Kher – the Roma House and the Institute for Well-Managed Society. Most media reports on Roma in which respondents’ residence was identifiable were talking about Roma in settlements. However, according to the latest Atlas of Roma Communities in 2013, the majority of Roma live scattered among the majority. Only about 18% of the Roma live in segregated settlements outside the municipality. In absolute figures this translates to about 74-thousand people.

– Médiá Rómov často vykresľujú ako špinavých a žijúcich v osade. Aké to má dopady? In: Slovensko.honline. 22.04.2018. [link-preview url=””]

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