We will have to introduce a Slovenian chronicle, akin to the French Chronicle we have been doing due to the high number of articles on the Roma “problem” in the Slovenian press. Thes articles are divided pretty much along party lines. One side says that the issues, and the recent attacks are the result of the current government inaction, while the other side is more differentiated.
Here the view on the government inaction…
- Lahovnik: “Niso neumni Romi ampak tisti, ki ne znajo uveljavljati zakona enako za vse”. In: Nova 24. 19.08.2024. https://nova24tv.si/l-lahovnik-niso-neumni-romi-ampak-tisti-ne-znajo-uveljavljati-zakona-enako-za-vse/#google_vignette
- V reševanje romske problematike se bo vključil tudi premier Robert Golob. In: N1 Info. 20.08.2024. https://n1info.si/novice/slovenija/v-resevanje-romske-problematike-se-bo-vkljucil-tudi-premier-robert-golob/
- Dr. Vinko Gorenak: Napadi Romov na policiste so rezultat početja Golobove vlade. In: Demokracija. 18.08.2024. https://demokracija.si/izjava-dneva/dr-vinko-gorenak-napadi-romov-na-policiste-so-rezultat-pocetja-golobove-vlade/#google_vignette