Switzerland: A FIRST!!!

There seems to be change in the air. For the first time, politicians were condemned for racism against Roma. In this case, the leaders of the youth fraction of the SVP, the rightist populist party in Switzerland were condemned for a cartoon against Roma travellers.
A first, and hopefully, this will slow down these kind of actions.

– «Kritik ist erlaubt, aber mit Augenmass». In: Der Bund. 14.01.2019. https://www.derbund.ch/bern/kanton/chefs-der-jungen-svp-bern-wegen-wahlplakat-verurteilt/story/20109238
– Roma-Organisation und GfbV begrüssen Verurteilung der Jungen SVP Bern wegen Rassismus. In: GfbV. 14.01.2019. https://www.gfbv.ch/de/medien/medienmitteilungen/junge-svp/ [link-preview url=”https://www.derbund.ch/bern/kanton/chefs-der-jungen-svp-bern-wegen-wahlplakat-verurteilt/story/20109238 “]

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