Tag Archives: Census

Transcarpathian Ukraine: Census

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Transcarpathian Ukraine: Census

In 2024, a census of the Roma population is planned in Zakarpattia Oblast. These complete and up-to-date statistical data will help ensure more effective social and legal protection and integration of Roma.

Well, we know how it works: Integrated Roma will not declare themselves as such, probably opting to say they are Hungarians, and poor people will be declared to be Roma. The result will be as usual wrong numbers.

  • На Закарпатті проведуть перепис ромського населення. In: Golos Ukraini. 16.02.2024. http://www.golos.com.ua/news/196326
  • Яка їх реальна чисельність: на Закарпатті планують провести перепис ромського населення. In: Golos Karpat. 15.02.2024. https://goloskarpat.info/power/65ce816c9bdee/

Montenegro: Census

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Montenegro: Census

The councillor and president of the Roma Council Mensur Šalaj said he believes that the census now will take place. The opposition will participate in the census as well as the minority councils after Prime Minister Milojko Spajić accepted the demands of the opposition when it comes to the census. According to Mensur Šalaj, The Roma Council is satisfied with the fact that a certain number of census enumerators will be Roma.

Hungarian Census 2022

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Hungarian Census 2022

The preliminary results of the Hungarian 2022 census have been published. One astonishing fact is that according to the census, the Roma population decreased by more than a third, passing from 315’000 in 2011 to 209’000 now.

These numbers are totally out of whack with reality, as the estimated number of Roma in Hungary lies between 600 and 800’000… According to the Hungarian press, the decrease is due to people not stating their ethnicity in the census.

Slovak Census

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Slovak Census

The Slovak Census allowed for the first time to state a “second nationality”. First among them were Roma, of which 88,985 declared themselves. Note that there are probably around 400’000 of them in Slovakia. In total, more than 306,000 people indicated a second nationality in the census.

More than 55,000 residents saw Slovak as their second nationality, which is more than 18 percent of all residents who stated a second nationality. Less than 40,000 residents declared Ruthenian nationality as their second nationality, and more than 34,000 stated that their second nationality is Hungarian. 16,715 inhabitants stated Czech nationality as their second nationality. According to the results of the census, German nationality is the second nationality for 5,255 inhabitants of Slovakia. 4,871 people declared Russian nationality as their second nationality, i.e. 1.59 percent of the population who stated a second nationality. Polish nationality is the second nationality for 1,511 male and female residents, slightly more of them reported Ukrainian as the second nationality, namely 1,586.

England and Wales Census

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England and Wales Census

For the first time in History, Roma in England and Wales had to possibility to declare themselves as such in a census. Over 100’000 did so, with many tens of thousands identifying themselves as Gypsies or Travellers.

Serbian Census

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Serbian Census

The Roma Centre for Women and Children “Daje” today called on Roma to declare their national origin “without fear or shame” in the current population census. Roma tend not to declare themselves in censuses, resulting in uncertain numbers of Roma.

The representative of the center, Nada Đuričković, said that it is necessary to determine the exact number of Roma and Roma women and added that even before the census, the “Daje” center was conducting a census of Roma settlements. “We targeted the places where these settlements are located, visited them and talked to people… it is important for us that the state knows where these people are and sends enumerators,” she said.
