Tag Archives: Church

The Polish Catholic Church and Roma

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Right after the congress of the International Catholic Committee for Roma in Prague on April 24, Fr. Stanisław Opocki – the national Roma chaplain and a member of the Polish Episcopate Commission for Migrants – went to Lviv to support the emerging Roma pastoral care there. Using Polish experience in this area, he assured that he would support the creation of similar structures and work on the educational needs of the Roma in Ukraine.

Apparently, it is never too late for the church.

Prague: Catholic Congress

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The Congress of the International Catholic Committee for Roma was held in the capital of the Czech Republic, Prague, in which more than 130 participants from 20 European countries took part, who discussed the topic: “Crisis and wounds as a source of change.” In his message to the Polish news agency KAI, Cardinal Michael Czerny, Prefect of the Dicastery for Service to Integral Human Development, cited the words of St. Pope Paul VI addressed to the Roma in 1965: “You are not on the side-lines, but in the very heart of the Church”.

Well, these are just words …

Romania, the Church, and Roma Slavery

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The Romanian Orthodox Church is refusing to apologise for the Roma slavery in Romanian lands, a slavery that lasted until 1862. They were parts of the problems, as there were a whole category of Roma who were slaves of the church.

Romania, the Church, and Slavery

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A leader of the Romanian Roma community, Dorin Cioaba, is planning to sue the Romanian church for its role in Roma slavery in Romania. This would be a good thing for the church to have to admit their involvement and guilt in the Romanian Roma Slavery.

Germany, the Catholic Church, and Roma

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Munich Archbishop Cardinal Reinhard Marx wants to conduct a review of the historical responsibility of the Catholic Church for the persecution of the Sinti and Rom during the Nazi. Marx visited the documentation and cultural centre of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma.

The visit also dealt in particular with the role of the then Archbishop of Munich, Cardinal Michael Faulhaber (1869-1952) and his attitude towards Sinti and Roma.

The Church and Roma

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The Church of England took a positive step and recognized that the church played a significant role in anti-Roma racism.  When are the other churches (and also non-Christian denominations) going to do the same?
