Tag Archives: Music

Leipzig – Roma Festival

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Leipzig – Roma Festival

For the second time.

Ida Kelarová

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Ida Kelarová

The famous Romani musician Ida Kelarová was nominated for a Czech state award. She refused the nomination for as long as Miloš Zeeman is the president.

She is right.


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Two articles on the Roma festival Khamoro in Prague.

Khamoro Festival

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Khamoro Festival

The concerts of the bands Imperio and Connection on Sunday at the Prague Exhibition Grounds started the international festival of Romani culture Khamoro. The core of the event, which will last until June 4, will be Romani music. Visitors can also watch a theatrical performance and a parade of artists through the centre of Prague is also planned. The festival is organized by Slovo 21 and Studio Production Saga.

Khamoro Festival

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Khamoro Festival

The International Roma Festival started in Prague on May 29 and will last until June 4. This is the 24th year of the festival, which brings Romani music combined with Yiddish music, gypsy jazz and tambourine tones to the city streets. In addition to concerts, people can also look forward to an accompanying program in the form of exhibitions, theatre performances or a procession of artists through the centre of Prague. Jelena Silajdžicová, the director of the organization Slovo 21, and the production manager of the festival, Inka Jurková, promise this varied program.


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The promotion of the documentary called a “Musical Biography of Shaban Bajramovic” produced by the Association FROS, began with the sounds of one of the most famous Shaban songs “Sajbija”, performed by famous trumpeter Nebojsa Sejdic.

Pretty Loud

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Pretty Loud

“Revolutionaries” on the one hand, “pioneers” of the fight against discrimination against Roma on the modern music scene, girls who stand not only for the rights of Roma women, but for all women – Silvia Sinani, Zlata Ristic, Diana and Zivka Iva Ferhatovic, Selma and Elma Dalipi , make up the band Pretty Loud.

Bulgaria: Invited

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Four young musicians from the Roma settlement of Nadezhda in Sliven will play in the Pierre Boulez Hall of the Paris Philharmonic on February 26. They are invited to take part in a classical concert of 120 young people from 27 countries as part of the DEMOS project of one of the largest philharmonics in the world, which provides a stage for children from social groups with difficult access to culture and education.

Music and Protest

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A new video by the Romani Music group “Bengas” protests against the racist and extremist policies against Roma that exist in many states.
We definitively need more protests!

– Romani band Bengas issues new video protesting racist attacks after performer moves away from the Czech Republic. In: Romea. 09.02.2019. http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/romani-band-bengas-issues-new-video-protesting-racist-attacks-after-performer-moves-away-from-the-czech-republic [link-preview url=”http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/romani-band-bengas-issues-new-video-protesting-racist-attacks-after-performer-moves-away-from-the-czech-republic”]


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A dance piece on Romnja by Belen Maya, the daughter of Mario Maya, one of the most influential Flamenco dancers.

– Sorrows and joys of Roma women told through dance. In: Kansas University. 31.01.2019. http://today.ku.edu/sorrows-and-joys-roma-women-told-through-dance [link-preview url=”http://today.ku.edu/sorrows-and-joys-roma-women-told-through-dance”]

Romania – Festival

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A reportage on an old celebration in Romania that can be traced back to Roma.

– Did You Know of This Romanian Festival That Is Supposed To Ward Off Evil Spirits? In: About Her. https://www.abouther.com/node/16336/people/events/did-you-know-romanian-festival-supposed-ward-evil-spirits [link-preview url=”https://www.abouther.com/node/16336/people/events/did-you-know-romanian-festival-supposed-ward-evil-spirits”]

5 Women

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Five women who have innovated in Flamenco.

– 5 mujeres gitanas que han innovado en el flamenco. In: El Pais. 28.12.2018. https://verne.elpais.com/verne/2018/11/20/articulo/1542708688_312017.html [link-preview url=”https://verne.elpais.com/verne/2018/11/20/articulo/1542708688_312017.html”]

Israel Galvan

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New show by the famed flamenco dancer Israel Galvan. This time with cats!!!!

– Flamenco star Galvan herds cats in new circus show. In: France 24. 18.09.2018. https://www.france24.com/en/20180918-flamenco-star-galvan-herds-cats-new-circus-show [link-preview url=”https://www.france24.com/en/20180918-flamenco-star-galvan-herds-cats-new-circus-show”]

Festival in Darmstadt

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Roma are a part of Europe – since many centuries. A festival in Darmstadt highlighted this.

– Gegen Vorurteile. In: Frankfurter Rundschau. 17.09.2018. http://www.fr.de/rhein-main/alle-gemeinden/darmstadt/darmstadt-gegen-vorurteile-a-1584025
– Podiumsdiskussion beim Sinti und Roma Kultur- und Musikfestival. In: Echo Online. 17.09.2018. https://www.echo-online.de/lokales/darmstadt/podiumsdiskussion-beim-sinti-und-roma-kultur-und-musikfestival_19066043# [link-preview url=”https://www.echo-online.de/lokales/darmstadt/podiumsdiskussion-beim-sinti-und-roma-kultur-und-musikfestival_19066043#”]

Festival in Darmstadt

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Roma are a part of Europe – since many centuries. A festival in Darmstadt highlighted this.

– Gegen Vorurteile. In: Frankfurter Rundschau. 17.09.2018. http://www.fr.de/rhein-main/alle-gemeinden/darmstadt/darmstadt-gegen-vorurteile-a-1584025
– Podiumsdiskussion beim Sinti und Roma Kultur- und Musikfestival. In: Echo Online. 17.09.2018. https://www.echo-online.de/lokales/darmstadt/podiumsdiskussion-beim-sinti-und-roma-kultur-und-musikfestival_19066043# [link-preview url=”https://www.echo-online.de/lokales/darmstadt/podiumsdiskussion-beim-sinti-und-roma-kultur-und-musikfestival_19066043#”]
