Tag Archives: Evictions

Germany: Eviction

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Dozens of Bulgarian Roma families in Duisburg have received letters from the German municipal authorities informing them that they must vacate their apartments by mid-September 2024, according to the organisation “Stolipinovo in Europe”.

The local authorities also specify that the affected tenants are all tenants of Gertrudenstraße, Diesterwegstraße, Pestalozzistraße, Wilfriedstraße, Halskestraße and Wiesenstraße, who are in fact tenants of the company Ivere Property Management. It turns out that the company that owns the buildings, about fifty in total, has not paid electricity and water bills to the municipal property management company for months. It now intends to cut off the drinking water supply, which, according to the municipal authorities, makes the apartments unfit for consumption and leads to a mass eviction.

Evictions in Slovakia

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The Regional Court in Košice ruled in favour of nine Roma plaintiffs who were forcibly evicted from their homes in Nižné Kapustníky in Košice eleven years ago.

This was reported on Wednesday by Jonathan Lee from the European Center for Roma Rights, according to which the city of Košice evicted the entire local Roma community under the pretext of garbage removal.

According to him, the residents were not offered any alternative accommodation after their homes were demolished, as a result of which they became homeless.
